The Web toolbar contains buttons that access or perform a variety of standard program functions. Place the cursor over each icon to see the name/function of that particular toolbar button. The following list contains a brief description of each toolbar button. Click on the links provided for additional information.
Note: The buttons listed here might not appear in every module. As well they will only appear if the current user has security permission to perform that function.
Icon |
Name |
Function |
Allows users to add a new record to the current module. Launches a new window with a Form. |
This tool opens the reports that are available for the current module. |
Allows users to narrow the list of records they are viewing. |
This tool opens the Lucity Web map (or a 3rd party product). It will then zoom in and select all assets, X/Y coordinates, and/or addresses found in the selected record. |
Allows users to generate work orders for the selected records or the filterset. Users may be required to select a Default WO Category if more than one applicable category exists. |
Create Request |
Allows users to generate a work request for the selected inventory record. Note: When users create a new request the system will open a request view if one exists. If a default view does not exist, the request will still be created in the database but will not appear on screen. Instead, a notation will appear above the grid indicating that the operation succeeded. |
Allows users to generate a PM/Template for the selected records or the filterset. |
The toolkit provides various functions depending on the module. From sending notifications, to recalculating fields. |
Delete |
Deletes all selected records. |
Launch Desktop |
This tool will open the selected record(s) in the Lucity desktop program. |
Open in another View |
This tool opens the selected record(s) in another web view. This is normally found in child tables for assets from other modules that are associate to to the selected asset, or work order assets. Using this tool will open up the selected record(s) in a view of its own module. |
This tool allows users to create and load subsets, which are set groups of records. |
This tool allows users to attach and view documents attached to a record. This button will appear orange if a record selected in the grid has an attached document. If there is no attached document it will appear white. |
Refresh Grid |
This tool re-queries the database and refreshes the data on the page. |
Allows users to export the data in the current grid (no child grids) into a csv file which is then emailed to them. |
Module Specific Tools
This button is only available in the Work Orders > Task grid. It jumps to a screen that shows the Work Order Task and and a separate grid for each Resource type. Instead of editing each resource individually, users can edit all of the resources in this grid. |