Editable Grids

Android Screenshot

Clicking the Editable Grids button in the work task grid will bring up a view of editable grids. This allows users to enter and edit multiple resources of different types at once and fill out information about them.


security Requires the Work > Work Orders > General - Add permission.


Grid Elements

The Editable grid page includes an editable grid for each type of resource that can be attached to a task. The grid that appears will be the same as the grid that is available for each resource in the web.


At the top of the page is the Title. The Title displays the Work Order Number - Task Name - Task Start Date.

Android Screenshot

Add Resource

Adds an empty resource to the associated resource grid.

security Requires the Work > Work Orders > General - Add permission.

Android Screenshot

Delete Resource

Deletes the resource selected in the associated resource grid.

security Requires the Work > Work Orders > General - Delete permission.



Saves all edits made to all grids on the page, and closes the page. Edits can also be saved by pushing CTRL+SHIFT+S.




Cancels all edits made to all grids on the page, and closes the page.




Using the Grids


Specific Field Notes


Hot Keys

CTRL + Shift + E navigates up

CTRL + Shift + W navigates down

How To Add a Resource

See Also


Add/Delete Records

Attach/Detach Children records



Show in Map

Create Work Orders

PM Template




Export Current View