
Android Screenshot

The Document tool allows users to view documents that are attached to a record. The icon for this tool only shows up when one document is selected in the grid. If the record already has a document attached the icon is orange. If no document is currently attached the icon is white.

To use the Document tool select a record in the grid and select click the Document button Android Screenshot. The following window will appear with the current list of documents for this record:



Open a document

This opens the selected document. It uses the computers default program for that type of document.


Add a document

This allows users to link a document to the selected Lucity record.

upload doc

Upload a document

This allows users to upload a document to the server and link it to the selected Lucity record.


Edit a document

This edits the link between the Lucity record and the selected document. It doesn't actually edit the document.


Delete a document

This removes the link between the Lucity record and the selected document.

  • If a document was attached from a network location the file will not be deleted.
  • If a document was uploaded to the web server and attached the copy on the web server will be deleted.

How To Open a document

How To Add a document

How To Upload a document

How To Edit a document

How To Delete a document

See Also


Add/Delete Records

Attach/Detach Children records



Show in Map

Create Work Orders

PM Template



Export Current View

Editable Grids