Create Work Orders

Android Screenshot

The work order tool allows users to generate one or more work orders. The tool can either create work orders based on the filterset, or on the records selected in the grid. It can also create a single work order for all the records, or individual work orders for each record.

How To Create Work Orders

  1. Create a filter for the records that need a work order OR select all the records in the grid that need a work order.
  2. Click the Android Screenshot button. The following pop-up will appear:

    wo popup 1

    Note: The Where section of this pop-up will only appear if there is moe than one record selected.

    Note: This pop-up will not appear at all if there is only 1 record in the filterset.

  3. Under Create Work Order(s) for... select whether the work order is going to be created for the Selected Records OR the FIltered Records.
  4. Under Where (if it appears) select whether the tool is going to create 1 Work Order with all of the records attached OR 1 work order for each record.
  5. Click OK.
  6. The system will open the default work order view if one exists. If a default view does not exist, the work order will still be created in the database but will not appear on screen. Instead, a notation will appear above the grid indicating that the operation succeeded.

See Also


Add/Delete Records

Attach/Detach Children records



Show in Map

PM Template




Export Current View

Editable Grids