
Android Screenshot

Filters allow users to narrow down the amount of records they are looking at. The Filter tool allows users to create and load filters. To open the filter tool click the Filter button Android Screenshot. The filter tool has two tabs:

Existing tab

This tab shows a list of previously saved filters, and allows users to add, edit, and delete filters. imageexpand

The filters in the list show: the user who created them, the name of the filter, and whether the filter is Advanced or not. At the bottom of the tab are the following functions:


My Filters Only

Check this box to only show the filters created by the current user. Uncheck it to show all saved filters for this module.



Provides a pop-up with the number of records the currently selected filter will load.

filter delete

Delete a Filter

Deletes the currently selected filter

rename filter

Rename a Filter

Provides a pop-up to rename the currently selected filter

copy filter

Copy Filter

Opens a copy of the currently selected filter in the Edit Filter screen and allows the user to edit, and save or run the filter.

edit filter

Edit a Filter

Opens the currently selected filter in the Edit screen and lets users change the filter.

add subset

Add a Filter

Opens a blank Build-A-Filter screen.

Applied tab

This tab shows information about the views original filter and the currently applied filter. imageexpand

Original filter

This shows the filter that is set for the view. This filter is set by the system admin.

Note: Most views will have a default filter applied to them. This is designed to cut out records that a user do not need to see, or that do not apply to the purpose of the specific view. For example, there might be a view into the work order module that by default has a filter applied to only show open work orders for the streets department.

Total Records

A count of the number of records the Original Filter finds.

Apply Original

This button applies the original filter to the module bringing it back to its default state.

Applied Filter

This box shows the filter that is currently applied to the module.

Note: This filter does NOT include the column filters.

Total Records

A count of the number of records the Applied Filter finds.

Total Records with Column Filters

A count of the number of records the Applied Filter + the Column Filters find.

Clear Applied

Clears the applied filter.

Edit Applied

Opens the Applied Filter in an Edit Filter window.

How To Run a Filter

How to Count records

How To Delete a Filter

How To Rename a Filter

How To Copy a Filter

How To Edit a Filter

How To Add a Filter

In This Section

Adding a Filter

See Also


Add/Delete Records

Attach/Detach Children records


Show in Map

Create Work Orders

PM Template




Export Current View

Editable Grids