PM/Template Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

PM Template **

Indicates the user-defined, unique ID for the PM/Template record.

PM Template Text*

Identifies the PM/Template by its common name.

WO Template *

Marks the record as a Work Order Template. A Work Order Template is a set of pre-configured Work Order data that can simplify the process of creating a new Work Order.

  • These Templates appear as selectable Templates when you creates a Work Order using various tools including the Create Work Order tool Android Screenshot.

PM Template *

Marks the record as a PM Template. A PM Template is a set of pre-configured Work Order data that can simplify the process of creating a new record in the PM/Template module.

  • These Templates appear as selectable Templates when you uses the Create PM/Template tool create pm icon.

Inactive *

Indicates a Templates that is not in use.

  • Inactive Templates do not generate Work Orders and do not appear in the list of available Templates when using the Create Work Order tool Android Screenshot or Create PM/Template tool create pm icon.

Scheduled PM *

Marks the record as a Scheduled PM. A Scheduled PM is a set of pre-configured Work Order data that is configured to automatically create a new Work Order on a regular schedule.

  • If this is the only box checked, the PM is considered a Standard PM. Standard PMs generate one Work Order for all Assets on the PM.
  • This box must be checked before the Grouped PM, Grouped Assets, Tightly Linked PM, or Affected PMs boxes can be checked.
  • Checking or unchecking this box after the record is initially saved will create a Tracking record indicating this change.

    More information about Standard PMs

Grouped PM *

Converts the Scheduled PM record to a Grouped PM.

  • A Grouped PM is a single PM in which the user may designate a different schedule for each Asset on the PM. This generates a separate Work Order for each asset.
  • The Scheduled PM field must be marked before the Grouped PM can be marked.

    More information about Grouped PMs

Grouped Assets *

Converts a Grouped PM to a Grouped Assets PM.

  • A Grouped Asset PM is a single PM in which the user may designate a different schedule for groups of Assets on the PM. This generates a separate Work Order for each group of assets.
  • The Scheduled PM, and Grouped PM fields must be marked before the Grouped Assets field can be marked.

    More information about Grouped Asset PMs

Tightly Linked PM *

Converts the Scheduled PM to a Tightly Linked PM.

  • Tightly Linked PMs do not have a schedule. Instead, they are linked to a Scheduled PM and directed to replace the Regularly Scheduled PM at a certain interval. For example, the Scheduled PM might generate a Work Order every month; however, every third month it is replaced with the Tightly Linked PM.
  • The Scheduled PM field must be marked before the Tightly Linked PM can be marked.

    More information about Tightly Linked PMs

Affected PM *

Converts the Scheduled PM to an Affected PM.

  • Affected PMs do not have a schedule. Instead, they are linked to a Scheduled PM and directed to generate when the Scheduled PM generates a Work Order. For example, the Scheduled PM might generate a Work Order every month and automatically generate a Work Order from the Affected PM at the same time.
  • The Scheduled PM field must be marked before the Tightly Linked PM can be marked.

    More information about Affected PMs

Out of Service PM *

Marks the record as an Out of Service PM.

  • Out-of-Service PMs are standard PMs based on a floating end date scheduling whether or not the Assets are currently Out of Service, meaning they have a Status > 949.

    More information about Out of Service PMs

    * Required.

    * Must be unique.

    * One of these options must be checked on the record.

Work Flow Fields

Category *

Defines where Work Orders created by this PM/Template fit into the Work system. Organizes PM/Templates in meaningful ways to streamline the data-entry process by limiting the options in other fields.

  • An agency establishes its list of Categories in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Category Setup module.
  • Example: A user creates a PM/Template related to a pothole. They select the Category "Street Repair." When the user chooses a Supervisor (farther down the form), the system shows only the Supervisors related to the "Street Repair" Category.
  • More information about Category fields


Specifies the Problem that should be addressed by completing a Work Order created by this PM/Template.

  • The list of Problems comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Problem Setup module.

Main Task *

Identifies the primary action that will be accomplished on Work Orders created from this PM/Template.

  • An agency establishes its list of Tasks in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Task Setup module.


Identifies the event or situation that instigated the problem.

  • The list of Causes comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Cause Setup module.


Identifies the Employee or Equipment Classification that this work falls under.

Assigned Crew

Identifies the Crew assigned to take care of the Work Orders created by this PM/Template.

  • The list of Crews comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Crew Setup module.


Identifies the Employee who will be responsible for Work Orders created by this PM/Template.

  • The list of Supervisors comes from records in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module that have the Supervisor field marked.

Lead Worker

Identifies the Employee who will be responsible for carrying out work for Work Orders created by this PM/Template.

  • The list of Leadworkers comes from records in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module that have the Leadworker field marked.

* Required

* Required if the PM Template or Scheduled PM boxes are checked.

Zone Fields

Maintenance Zone

Classifies the work based on a location. The list of Maintenance Zones comes from the Work > Administration > Maintenance Zones module.

  • This is carried over to the work order Maintenance Zone.

Alternate Zone

Classifies the work based on location. The list of Alternate Zones comes from the Work > Administration > Alternate Zones module.

  • This is carried over to the work order Alternate Zone.

More information about setting up Maintenance and Alternate Zones

General Fields

Desc 1

Indicates descriptions or information from related assets, typically Asset Description.

Desc 2

Indicates descriptions or information from related assets, typically Location Address.


Indicates the urgency of any Work Orders created by the PM/Template.


Identifies why the Work Orders created by this PM/Template need to exist.

Assigned By

Identifies the Employee who assigns the work resulting from this PM/Template.

  • The list of Employees with authority to assign work comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup records that have the Assigner field marked.


Identifies the business or person who will perform and be paid for work on Work Order(s) for the department.

Departmental Fields






Identifies the organizational units to which the record is associated and any related work will be assigned.

Billing Fields

The Billing fields allow agencies to store billing contact information and the billing amount. Billing information includes contact phone, fax, email, billing address and billed name.

Note: The data in all fields in the grid will be carried over to any new Work Orders generated from this PM/Template.

Account #

Indicates the reference number for the general account billed for the work being completed. The system can be configured to handle account numbers in various formats; each of which will change how users fill out this field.

More information about Account Number formats

The following are special functions tied to the Account #.

Proj No - Acct

Indicates a reference number for a specific project account billed for the work being completed. The system can be configured to handle project account numbers in various formats; each of which will change how users fill out this field.

More information about Project Account Number formats

The following are special functions tied to the Account #.

  • Automatically populated with the Project Number Account on Main Task's Work Flow Setup record if the Populate WO Acct # from Main Task # option is enabled.
  • Automatically populates the Project Number Account # on records in the Task grid if their Project Number Account # is empty and the Populate empty WO Acct# w/Main# option is enabled.

Bill Cust ID

Bill Cust No

Identifies the customer by assigning an ID number.

Identifies the customer by number.

Bill Cust Name *

Bill Cust Last Name *

Identifies the name of the person who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Cust Address *

Displays the street address of the person who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Cust City *

Bill Cust State *

Bill Cust Zip *

Displays more address information for the person who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Cust Phone *

Identifies a phone number of the person who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Cell # *

Identifies the cell number of the person who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Fax # *

Identifies the fax number of the person who is to be billed for the work.

Bill E-mail *

Identifies the email address of the person who is to be billed.

Contact Name

Identifies who to get in touch with regarding the bill.

Invoice Number

Identifies the invoice sent out for the work.

Incoming Account No

Stores the account number used to pay the bill.

Billing Amount

Specifies the amount of money that is being billed.

Location-Related Fields


Identifies a location type selected from a user-generated picklist.


Street Name



Zip Code

Specifies the location of the work.

  • This information is not carried over to the generated Work Order.




Identifies an owner of the location listed on the PM/Template.

  • Options from a user-defined picklist might name specific people or companies, or could specify types of owners such as City or Private.

Override Fields

The following fields are all used to stop various Work Order Notifications from being sent for this Work Order.

Override Problem Notification

Prevents the system from sending the Problem Notifications for Work Orders created by this PM/Template.

Override Overdue Notification

Prevents the system from sending the Overdue Notification for Work Orders created by this PM/Template.

  • All Work Order Overdue Notifications can be deactivated if the Disable Work Order Overdue Notifications option is enabled.

Override Leadworker Notification

Prevents the system from sending the Leadworker Notification for Work Orders created by this PM/Template.

Override Task Notification

Prevents the system from sending the Task Notifications for Work Orders created by this PM/Template.

Override Supervisor Notification

Prevents the system from sending the Supervisor Notification for Work Orders created by this PM/Template.


Cost Fields

Estimated Costs

These fields enable agencies to enter an estimate, or expected amount of time and cost required to complete the work.

These fields can also be populated using one of the Calculate Estimates toolkits.

Est. Labor Hours

Displays the estimated total amount amount of employee time required to complete the Work Order.

  • Carried over to the Work Order's Labor Hrs Est field.

Est. Labor Cost

Displays the estimated cost for employee resources needed to complete the Work Order.

  • Carried over to the Work Order's Labor Cost Est field.

Est. Material Cost

Displays the estimated cost of materials used to complete the Work Order.

  • Carried over to the Work Order's Material Cost Est field.

Est. Fluid Cost

Displays the estimated cost of fluids used to complete the Work Order.

  • Carried over to the Work Order's Fluid Cost Est field.

Est. Equipment Cost

Displays the estimated cost of the equipment used to complete the Work Order.

  • Carried over to the Work Order's Equip Cost Est field.

Est. Contractor Cost

Displays the estimated cost of contractors hired to complete the Work Order.

  • Carried over to the Work Order's Contractor Cost Est field.

Est. Misc. Cost

Displays the estimated cost of any miscellaneous items used to complete the Work Order. Example: Taxes, permit fees, etc...

  • Carried over to the Work Order's Misc Cost Est field.

Total Cost Est

Displays the estimated costs for the entire Work Order. Automatically calculated by:

  • Est Labor Cost + Est Equipment Cost + Est Contractor Cost + Est Material Cost + Est Fluid Cost + Est Misc Cost = Total Cost Est

Scheduling Fields

The following scheduling fields are used for Standard PMs. However, they are similar to the scheduling fields used on other types of PMs.

Fixed Schedule fields

The following fields are found on the PM/Template and are used for fixed schedules to define when the work will occur. These fields are deactivated if the Floating Schedule fields are populated.

Last Start Date

Stores the last Start Date for a Work Order generated by the PM.

Note: This will typically also be the last date the PM generated a Work Order unless:

  • The Days Ahead field is used,
  • Previous Work Orders for the PM were closed late.

Start Date Interval

Indicates the number of (date) units between Work Order start dates.

  • Used to calculate the Start Next Date.

Start Interval Code

Specifies the type of units between Work Orders that the Start Date Interval represents (e.g., days, weeks, months, years).

  • Used to calculate the Start Next Date.

Start Next Date

Marks the start date for the next Work Order generated by the PM.

Note: This will typically also be the next date that the PM generates a Work Order unless:

  • The Days Ahead field is used,
  • Previous Work Orders for the PM were closed late.


  • Calculated automatically when the Last Start Date and Start Date Interval and Start Interval Code are entered.
  • Example: A Work Order is generated on 8/15/2018 which is put in the Last Start Date field. The Start Date Interval is 1 and the Start Interval Code is Years. The system calculates the Start Next Date to be 8/15/2019.

More information about Fixed Schedule PMs


Floating Schedule fields

The following fields are found on the PM/Template and are used for floating schedules to define when the work will occur. These fields are disabled if the Fixed Schedule fields are populated.

Last End Date

Stores the End Date for the last Work Order generated by the PM. Work Orders will be generated based on the last time the job was completed.

  • Note: This is populated by the system no matter which type of scheduling is used.

End Date Interval

Indicates the number of (date) units between one Work Order ending and the next beginning.

  • Used to calculate the End Next Date.

End Interval Code

Specifies the type of units between Work Orders that the End Date Interval represents (e.g., days, weeks, months, years).

  • Used to calculate the End Next Date.

End Next Date

Marks the next date the PM will generate a Work Order.

  • Calculated automatically when the Last Start Date and Start Date Interval and Start Interval Code are entered.
  • Example: A Work Order is generated on 8/15/2018 and completed on 8/17/2018 which is put in the Last End Date field. The End Date Interval is 1 and the End Interval Code is Years. The system calculates the End Next Date to be 8/17/2019.

More information about Floating Schedule PMs


Meter-Based Scheduling

The following fields are used to generate work based on meter readings entered for the asset.

Note: These are only enabled if the record's Category is associated to the Fleet or Equipment module.

More information about Meter Based Scheduling

Odometer Scheduling

These fields are used for assets whose use is measured in miles.

Previous Odometer

Specifies the number of miles on the vehicle the last time it was worked on.

  • Automatically populated from the previous Work Order's Asset > Odometer field.
  • Used to calculate the Next Odometer.

Odometer Interval

Indicates the number of miles between Work Orders.

  • Used to calculate the Next Odometer.
  • Example: If you want to set up an oil change PM to generate a Work Order every 3,000 miles, your Odometer Interval would be 3000.

Next Odometer

Specifies the upcoming odometer reading or number of miles on the vehicle that will trigger a new Work Order.

  • Calculated automatically when the Previous Odometer and Odometer Interval are entered.
  • Example: A Fleet vehicle was last serviced at 52,956 miles. The Previous Odometer is 52,956 miles and the Odometer Interval is 3,000 miles. The system calculates the Next Odometer to be 55,956 miles.

Hourmeter Scheduling

These fields are used for assets whose use is measured in hours.

Previous Hourmeter

Specifies the number of hours on the vehicle the last time it was worked on.

  • Automatically populated from the previous Work Order's Asset > Hourmeter field.
  • Used to calculate the Next Hourmeter.

Hourmeter Interval

Indicates the number of hours the vehicle is used between Work Orders.

  • Used to calculate the Next Hourmeter.
  • Example: If you want to set up a Maintenance PM to generate a Work Order every 200 hours, your Hourmeter Interval would be 200.

Next Hourmeter

Specifies the upcoming hourmeter reading or number of hours on the vehicle that will trigger a new Work Order.

  • Calculated automatically when the Previous Hourmeter and Hourmeter Interval are entered.
  • Example: A pump was last serviced at 2,800 hours. The Previous Hourmeter is 2,800 hours and the Hourmeter Interval is 200 hours. The system calculates the Next Hourmeter to be 3,000 hours.

Other Meter Scheduling

These fields are used for assets whose use is measured in some other unit than miles or hours.

Previous Other

Specifies the number of meter units on the vehicle the last time it was worked on.

  • Automatically populated from the previous Work Order's Asset > Other meter field.
  • Used to calculate the Next Other meter.

Other Meter Interval

Indicates the number of meter units between Work Orders.

  • Used to calculate the Next Other meter.
  • Example: If you want to set up a Maintenance PM to generate a Work Order every 100,000 units, your Other meter Interval would be 100000.

Next Other Meter

Specifies the upcoming other meter reading on the vehicle that will trigger a new Work Order.

  • Calculated automatically when the Previous Other Meter and Other Meter Interval are entered.
  • Example: A piece of equipment was last serviced at 119,200 units. The Previous Other meter is 119,200 units and the Other meter Interval is 100000 units. The system calculates the Next Other meter to be 219,200 units.


Generating work ahead of schedule

The following fields, in combination with the other scheduling fields, can force a PM to generate a Work Order early.

Days Ahead

Allows users to generate a PM Work Order before the next specified date is reached. This gives them a heads up that the work should start soon.

  • This field applies to Fixed and Floating PM Schedules.

Example: You have a PM that is scheduled to generate every 3 months and want it to generate early:

  • Enter 2 in the Days Ahead field.
  • The Work Order will generate 2 days before the scheduled Start Next Date.
  • The Work Order's Start Date will still be the same as the PM's Start Next Date.

Odometer Ahead

Allows users to generate a PM Work Order before the next specified odometer reading is achieved. This gives them a heads up that the work should start soon.

  • This field applies to Odometer PM schedules

Example: You have a PM that is scheduled to generate every 3000 miles and want it to generate early:

  • Enter 100 in the Odometer Ahead field.
  • The Work Order will generate when the asset's Current Odometer is within 100 miles of the PM Schedule's Next Odometer.

Hourmeter Ahead

Allows users to generate a PM Work Order before the next specified hourmeter reading is achieved. This gives them a heads up that the work should start soon.

  • This field applies to Hourmeter PM schedules

Example: You have a PM that is scheduled to generate every 200 miles and want it to generate early:

  • Enter 10 in the Hourmeter Ahead field.
  • The Work Order will generate when the asset's Current Hourmeter is within 10 hours of the PM Schedule's Next Hourmeter.

Interval Ahead

Allows users to generate a PM Work Order before the next specified other meter reading is achieved. This gives them a heads up that the work should start soon.

This field applies to Other Meter PM schedules

Example: You have a PM that is scheduled to generate every 100000 units and want it to generate early:

  • Enter 10000 in the Other meter Ahead field.
  • The Work Order will generate when the asset's Current Other Meter is within 10000 units of the PM Schedule's Next Other Meter.


Schedule Status fields


Indicates the status of the PM's schedule.

  • 1|Awaiting WO Generation - The PM is scheduled but is waiting to be triggered to generate a Work Order.
  • 2|WO Generated - The PM schedule was triggered, and a Work Order was created. The PM is waiting for the Work Order to close.

WO Number

Displays the ID for the active Work Order that is linked to the PM.

  • This field is populated only when the PM Status is 2| WO Generated. It appears blank when the PM Status is 1|Awaiting WO Generation.

Initiated Date

Displays the date the active Work Order that is linked to the PM was created.

  • This field is populated only when the PM Status is 2| WO Generated. It appears blank when the PM Status is 1|Awaiting WO Generation.

Est Duration (Hrs)

Indicates the estimated number of hours required to complete this PM. This value is used to calculate the Projected Completion Date/Time on Work Orders generated from this PM.

  • When you select the Main Task on the PM, Lucity automatically populates the PM's Est Duration field with the Est Task Duration value from the related Task Setup record, if the value exists.
  • You may overwrite the default value or enter a value if the Task selection did not supply it.
  • If this field is blank on the PM, but the Projected Completion Date/Time and Start Date and Start Time are populated on a Work Order, those values will calculate and populate this Est Duration field.
  • You can also use one of the following toolkits to allow Lucity to determine the Est Duration of a PM based on averaged data from past Work Orders.

Comment Fields

Send to WO Crew Comment

Enter a comment for the crew that will work on Work Orders generated from the PM/Template.

  • This is carried over to the Work Order's Comment to Crew field.

Send to WO Request Comment

Enter a comment to provide information on the Work Order.

  • This is carried over to the Work Order's Comment from Request field.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.


CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.