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The PM/Templates module contains the following Toolkits:

Calculate Average Duration from Work Orders for Current Filter

Calculate Average Duration from Work Orders for Selected Record(s)

Calculate Estimates based on Historical Data for Current Filter

Calculate Estimates based on Historical Data for Selected Record(s)

Change Crew for Current Filter

Change Crew for Selected Record(s)

Change Lead Worker for Current Filter

Change Lead Worker for Selected Record(s)

Change Status to Awaiting WO Generation for Selected Record(s)

Change Supervisor for Current Filter

Change Supervisor for Selected Record(s)

Check for Data Problems for Selected Record(s)

Force Spatial Record Processing for Current FIlter

Force Spatial Record Processing for Selected Record(s)

Update Next Start Date for Current Filter

Update Next Start Date for Selected Record(s)

Update PM/Template Checklist for Selected Record

Calculate Average Duration from Work Orders for Current Filter

Calculates the average duration of completed Work Orders linked to PMs in the filterset to update the Est Duration field for each PM.

How to populate average duration of Work Orders to Est Duration on linked PMs in the current filterset

Calculate Average Duration from Work Orders for Selected Record(s)

Calculates the average duration of completed Work Orders linked to the selected PM(s) to determine/update the Est Duration field for the selected PM(s).

How to determine the Est Duration of a PM based on averaged data from linked Work Orders

Calculate Estimates based on Historical Data for Current Filter

Uses historical data from closed Work Orders generated from PM(s) in the current filterset to estimate time and costs required to accomplish work generated from the PM(s) in the current filterset.

This toolkit calculates actual averages from Work Orders from a date you select for the following fields. Those averages are then populated to the corresponding estimate fields on the PM record(s):

How to calculate estimates on a PM record based on historical Work Order data for current filter

Calculate Estimates based on Historical Data for Selected Record(s)

Uses historical data from closed Work Orders generated from the selected PM(s) to estimate time and costs required to accomplish work generated from the selected PM(s).

This toolkit calculates actual averages from Work Orders from a date you select for the following fields. Those averages are then populated to the corresponding estimate fields on the PM record(s):

How to calculate time and cost estimates for the selected PM record(s) based on historical Work Order data

Change Crew for Current Filter

Changes the Crew for all PM/Templates in the filterset.

How to change Crew for current filter

Change Crew for Selected Record(s)

Changes the Crew for selected PM/Template record(s).

How to change Crew for selected record(s)

Change Lead Worker for Current Filter

Changes the Lead Worker field for all PM/Templates in the filterset.

How to change Lead Worker for current filter

Change Lead Worker for Selected Record(s)

Changes the Lead Worker for the selected PM/Template record(s).

How to change Lead Worker for selected record(s)

Change Status to Awaiting WO Generation for Selected Record(s)

Resets the status of the current PM to Awaiting WO Generation. This tool is used when:

How to change status to Awaiting WO Generation

Change Supervisor for Current Filter

Changes the Supervisor field for all PM/Templates in the filterset.

How to change Supervisor for current filter

Change Supervisor for Selected Record(s)

Changes the Supervisor field for selected PM/Template records.

How to change Supervisor for selected record(s)

Check for Data Problems for Selected Record(s)

Checks selected the PM/Template record(s) and the records in the grid(s) for data problems that could prevent or complicate Work Order generation from a PM. The system checks for invalid or removed data including the following:

How to check for data problems for selected record(s)

Force Spatial Record Processing for Current FIlter

Directs the Lucity Spatial Indexer to process or reprocess the location data for the PM/Templates in the filterset. This can be done to fix problems if there were errors.

The Lucity Spatial Indexer collects information about the location of the PM/Template using the Location and Assets grids and stores the geographic coordinates in the Lucity database. This information can be used later to display the location of PM/Templates in a map.

How to force spatial data processing for a filterset of PM/Templates

More information about the Lucity Spatial Indexer

Force Spatial Record Processing for Selected Record(s)

Directs the Lucity Spatial Indexer to process or reprocess the location data for the selected PM/Templates.

The Lucity Spatial Indexer collects information about the location of the PM/Work Template using the Location and Assets grids and stores the geographic coordinates in the Lucity database. This information can be used later to display the location of PM/Templates in a map.

How to force spatial data processing for selected PM/Template record(s)

More information about the Lucity Spatial Indexer

Update Next Start Date for Current Filter

Updates the Next Start Date on all the PM/Templates in the filterset.

How to update Next Start Date for current filter

Update Next Start Date for Selected Record(s)

Changes the Next Start Date for selected PM/Template record(s).

How to update Next Start Date for selected record(s)

Update PM/Template Checklist for Selected Record

Updates the PM/Template Checklist for selected record.

Note: A Main Task is required on the PM/Template record to update the PM/Template Checklist.

How to update PM/Template Checklist for selected record