Standard PMs are the most basic type of PM and can be used for most PM functions. These PMs have a single schedule that creates a single Work Order with all the assets attached.
Can contain one or more assets or can load dynamic lists of assets using a filter
Runs on a single schedule that can be based on:
Fixed Scheduling
Floating Scheduling
Meter Based Scheduling - Only if there is a single asset on the PM.
Mixed Scheduling - Only if there is a single asset on the PM.
Will create a single Work Order that contains all assets from the PM.
Example uses
A yearly valve exercise program.
A semi annual inspection plan for a facility and its assets.
Find the PM record to schedule and click Open Record. The PM/Template form opens.
Navigate to the Schedule fields within the PM record.
Enter the Start Date Interval and Start Interval Code to indicate how often a Work Order should generate.
Example: To generate a Work Order every 3 weeks:
Start Date Interval = 3
Start Interval Code = 2|Weeks
Enter a Last Start Date.
If you know the last date the task was performed for the assets enter that date.
If you do not know the last date the task was performed for the assets figure out what date you want it to be performed on and then calculate backwards using the Start Date Interval and units in the Start Interval Code to figure out what the last date would have been.
The Start Next Date will calculate automatically with the date that the next Work Order will start.
Example: The following PM will generate a Work Order every 3 weeks. The next time it will generate a Work Order will be 12/21/2018.
Click Save . The PM will generate work on this schedule.
Locate the PM record to schedule and click Open to open the record. The PM/Template form opens.
Navigate to the schedule fields within the PM record.
Use the End Date Interval and End Interval Code to enter the time that should elapse between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Example: To generate a Work Order 3 weeks after the previous Work Order is closed:
Start Date Interval = 3
Start Interval Code = 2|Weeks
Enter a Last End Date.
If you know the last date the task was Completed for the assets enter that date.
If you do not know the last date the task was completed for the assets, determine what date you want it to be performed on and then calculate backwards using the End Date Interval and units in the End Interval Code to determine when the last date would have been.
The End Next Date will calculate automatically with the date that the next Work Order will start.
Example: The following PM will generate a Work Order 3 weeks after the previous Work Order is closed. The next time it will generate a Work Order will be 12/21/2018.
Click Save . The PM will generate work on this schedule.
Find the PM record to schedule and click Open Record . The PM/Template form opens.
Note: The Work Order can only have one Fleet or Equipment asset on it.
Navigate to the Schedule fields on the PM record.
Select a meter to base the schedule on:
Odometer - Used for Fleet inventory assets.
Use the Odometer Interval to indicate how many miles should pass between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Enter the Previous Odometer.
If you know the last mileage that the task was completed for the asset enter that mileage.
If you do not know the last mileage at which the task was completed for the asset, figure out what mileage you want the task to be performed at and then calculate backwards using the Odometer Interval to determine what the last reading would have been.
The Next Odometer will calculate automatically with the odometer reading that will trigger the next Work Order.
Hourmeter - Used for Fleet or Equipment Inventory assets.
Use the Hourmeter Interval to indicate how many hours should pass between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Enter the Previous Hourmeter.
If you know the last hourmeter reading that the task was completed for the asset enter that reading.
If you do not know the last hourmeter reading at which the task was completed for the asset, figure out what reading you want the task to be performed at and then calculate backwards using the Hourmeter Interval to determine what the last reading would have been.
The Next Hourmeter will calculate automatically with the hourmeter reading that will trigger the next Work Order.
Other Meter - Used for Fleet or Equipment Inventory assets.
Use the Other Interval to indicate how many units should pass between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Enter the Previous Other.
If you know the last other meter reading that the task was completed for the asset enter that reading.
If you do not know the last other meter reading at which the task was completed for the asset, figure out what reading you want the task to be performed at and then calculate backwards using the Hourmeter Interval to determine what the last reading would have been.
The Next Other will calculate automatically with the other meter reading that will trigger the next Work Order.
Example: The following PM will generate a Work Order every 5000 miles after the previous Work Order is closed. The next reading for which it will generate a Work Order is when Odometer >= 10430.
Click Save . The PM will generate work on this schedule.
Find the PM record to schedule and click Open Record . The PM/Template form opens.
Note: The Work Order can only have one Fleet or Equipment asset on it.
Navigate to the Schedule fields on the PM record.
Set a Floating Schedule.
Use the End Date Interval and End Interval Code to enter the time that should elapse between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Example: To generate a Work Order 3 weeks after the previous Work Order is closed:
Start Date Interval = 3
Start Interval Code = 3|Months
Enter a Last End Date.
If you know the last date the task was Completed for the assets enter that date.
If you do not know the last date the task was completed for the assets, determine what date you want it to be performed on and then calculate backwards using the End Date Interval and units in the End Interval Code to determine what the last date would have been.
The End Next Date will calculate automatically with the date that the next Work Order will start.
Select a meter to base the schedule on
Odometer - Used for Fleet inventory assets.
Use the Odometer Interval to indicate how many miles should pass between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Enter the Previous Odometer.
If you know the last mileage that the task was completed for the asset enter that mileage.
If you do not know the last mileage at which the task was completed for the asset, figure out what mileage you want the task to be performed at and then calculate backwards using the Odometer Interval to determine what the last reading would have been.
The Next Odometer will calculate automatically with the odometer reading that will trigger the next Work Order.
Hourmeter - Used for Fleet or Equipment Inventory assets.
Use the Hourmeter Interval to indicate how many hours should pass between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Enter the Previous Hourmeter.
If you know the last hourmeter reading that the task was completed for the asset enter that reading.
If you do not know the last hourmeter reading at which the task was completed for the asset, figure out what reading you want the task to be performed at and then calculate backwards using the Hourmeter Interval to determine what the last reading would have been.
The Next Hourmeter will calculate automatically with the hourmeter reading that will trigger the next Work Order.
Other Meter - Used for Fleet or Equipment Inventory assets.
Use the Other Interval to indicate how many units should pass between closing one Work Order and another one generating.
Enter the Previous Other.
If you know the last other meter reading that the task was completed for the asset enter that reading.
If you do not know the last other meter reading at which the task was completed for the asset, figure out what reading you want the task to be performed at and then calculate backwards using the Hourmeter Interval to determine what the last reading would have been.
The Next Other will calculate automatically with the other meter reading that will trigger the next Work Order.
Example: The following PM will generate a Work Order every 5000 miles after the previous Work Order is closed. The next reading for which it will generate a Work Order on 4/16/2018 or when Current Odometer >= 10050.
Click Save . The PM will generate work on this schedule.
If the PM is for a set list of assets, open the PM Asset grid and add Assets by Adding a new record , loading a Subset of assets or using one of the Add MultipleToolkits .
If the PM is for a dynamic list of assets, open thePM Asset Filter grid and Add one more more filters of assets.
Now that the Standard PM is set up and scheduled it will generate a single Work Order the next time the schedule is triggered. The Work Order will include all assets attached to the PM.