Special Function: Maintenance and Alternate Zones

Lucity allows agencies to establish two types of work zones:

These zones come into play when users define Assets or when they create Work Orders or PM/Templates. Since zones are typically based on location this process is tied in with the GIS system.

Setting Up Zones

Determining an Asset's Zone

Configuring Default Supervisors for Zones

How Zone Information is used

Setting Up Zones

Maintenance or Alternate Zones must be added into Lucity. Administrators can either create Maintenance and Alternate Zones manually in Lucity, but more often import them from existing GIS feature classes into Lucity.

Creating Zones in Lucity

Creating Zones from GIS Data

  1. Identify the polygon feature classes that store the maintenance zone and/or alternate zone information. Each zone polygon should store the zone code and name.
  2. Use the Lucity Import and Update tool to connect to the geodatabase and import the zone data into either the Maintenance or Alternate Zone module.

    Note: If zones change regularly, consider scheduling a regular import using the Lucity Import and Update tool.

Determining an Asset's Zone

Once zones are set up the assets must be associated to the zones. This can be done in three ways:

  1. Manually in Lucity - Requires that a user update each asset record using the asset's Maintenance and Alternate Zone fields.
  2. Using GIS Data to Populate Assets' Zone Fields - Links the asset's Maintenance and Alternate Zone fields to matching fields in GIS. These are updated automatically in GIS based on the asset's location.
  3. Dynamically determining the Zone on demand - Does not store asset's Maintenance and Alternate Zone information in Lucity at all. The information is determined in the GIS system using the asset's location when the work system requests it.

Manually In Lucity

Using GIS Data to Populate Assets' Zone Fields

  1. In the asset feature classes, add a Zone field to store the Maintenance or Alternate Zone Code.
  2. Open the Lucity Geodatabase Configuration Tool.
  3. Perform a spatial update on all asset records with the related Zone Code to automatically sync that data with the related Lucity record.

Determining a Zone by its Location

Note: Using this strategy significantly slows the process of saving a Work Order or Request.

  1. Add the Maintenance Zone and/or Alternate Zone feature classes to a map.
  2. Publish the map to ArcServer as a map service.
  3. Open the Lucity Administration Tool and select GIS > Map Services.
  4. Add the service that contains the zones to the list of map services.
  5. Make sure the URLs are accessible from the Lucity Web server, Luctity Mobile server, Lucity Citizen Portal server, Lucity REST API server, and the Lucity Citizen Portal REST API server.
  6. In Lucity Web, go to Admin Portal > Settings > System Settings > GIS Web and verify that the URL for Geocoding Service field is filled out.
  7. In the Lucity Admin Tool, go to GIS > GIS Services > Work Zone Services tab and complete the fields using the information from the map service.

Configuring Default Supervisors for Zones

The final step involves considering each Problem that necessitates Work Orders or PM/Templates and assigning a default Supervisor for addressing that Problem in each Zone.

  1. Open up the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Work Problem Setup module.
  2. Locate the Problem to which you would like to add a Zone Supervisor.
  3. Expand the record and select the Zone Supervisors grid.
  4. Add a new Zone Supervisor record.
  5. Select a Maintenance Zone.
  6. Select a Supervisor.
  7. Save and close the record.
  8. Continue to create Zone Supervisor records for each Maintenance Zone.
How Zone Information is used

How Lucity Determines Maintenance Zones


  1. A user creates a Request and, in the process, identifies the Problem and selects an Asset.
  2. The system immediately determines whether that Asset has a Zone(s) assigned to it.  If it does, the system updates the Zone field(s) on the Request.
  3. When the user saves the Request, the system checks whether any Zones are assigned. If none have been assigned, the system attempts to determine the zone based on:
  4. Once the Zone(s) is identified, Lucity checks whether the selected Problem has a corresponding Maintenance Zone Supervisor(s) associated with it.
  5. If the Problem has a corresponding Maintenance Zone Supervisor, the system updates the Supervisor field on the Request with the appropriate name.

Work Orders

  1. A user creates a Work Order and, in the process, identifies the Problem and adds an Asset and/or Location record.
  2. The system immediately determines whether the first Asset on the Work Order has a Zone(s) assigned to it. .  If it does, the system updates the Zone field(s) on the Work Order.
  3. When the user saves the Work Order, the system checks whether any Zones are assigned. If none have been assigned, the system attempts to determine the zone based on:
  4. Once the Zone(s) is identified, Lucity checks whether the selected Problem has a corresponding Maintenance Zone Supervisor(s) associated with it.

If the Problem has a corresponding Maintenance Zone Supervisor, the system updates the Supervisor field on the Work Order with the appropriate name.

Special Behaviors