The Planning and Budgeting modules allow agencies to define their estimated budget for their fiscal year, departments, and asset maintenance tasks. These modules link to Work Orders to track actual costs of labor and materials as well as compare actual costs to the estimated budget amount.
Below is a basic work flow for setting up these modules. Follow these steps to utilize these modules in the Planning and Budgeting record set. For detailed information, follow the links below:
First, Turn on the Integration with Planning Modules option in Work Options. This option appears on the General Options tab.
In the Header, link the Department to the Fiscal Year previously created.
On the Status tab, indicate the division, sub-division, area, and sub-area associated with the department. Also use this tab to modify Working Days per Month (which are initially carried over from the related Fiscal Year record).
In the Header, select a Task from the pick list and link the Task to the Fiscal Year.
In the Setup tab, uses can choose to associate the planned task with a Work Category. Then, associate the Task with the Department, Division, Sub-Division, Area, and Sub-Area used in the Department record.
In the Setup tab, the system will fill in the Asset field if an Inventory category was selected above. If the selected Category has a designated field to Sum or Count in the Work Flow Setup, Categories module, the Units of Asset can be calculated by pressing F5. Otherwise, manually enter Units of Asset. Then, enter the Conversion Factor, Units of Measure, Daily Quantity, Number of Crews Available, and Crew Hours per Day. The Crew Days Needed and Min Crew Days will be calculated by the system.
In the Resources tab, include all of the resources needed to complete one crew day's worth of work on the planned task. Employees, equipment, materials, etc.
If specific employee or equipment resources are not selectable from the list, check the Work Flow Setup, Classification module. For each classification that needs to be added as a resource in the planned task, a class type needs to be selected. Employee's availability needs to be entered. After setting up the employee resource availability in the Classifications module and assigned employee resources to the Planned Task module, the selected classifications will be automatically added to the Departments module, Availability tab.
In order for a classification to be automatically populated in the Department's Availability tab, the resource in that classification must be assigned to the Department AND to any Tasks associated with that Department. If the classifications don't appear in the grid, Right-click in the grid and select Populate Classifications.
In the Quantity tab, indicate how much work will be done on the Task on a per-month basis.
Once all resources necessary to complete the task are added, setup information, and quantity information, the estimated Labor Days to complete the task and the estimated work Costs for this task will be calculated.
After the Fiscal Year, Department, and Planned Task records are created in the Planning and Budgeting modules, work orders containing the recently created Planned Task can be created. In order for costs to be calculated, make sure the following fields are filled in to match the data used in the Planning and Budgeting modules:
In the Work Order Header, select the Category and Main Task that were used in the Planned Task record.
If no Category was identified on the Planned Task record, any Category can be selected.
Make sure the Department, Division, Sub-Division, etc. is filled in on the Work Order Location tab. These must match the Department and Division information entered in the Planning and Budgeting modules.
These dates must be within the Fiscal Year in order to be calculated as part of the actual costs in the Planning and Budgeting modules.
Next, associate resources with the Work Order Task so that the system can calculate costs. Use the Work Order Resources grid to complete this step.
Save and Close the record.
Now, run the Toolkit Cost Calculations. These perform cost updates to track how much money was spent in the fiscal year on planned tasks, how much of the budget has been expended, and how much of the budget remains. These Toolkit calculations can be performed at any time; however, we recommend that they are performed in the order below:
In the Planned Task module Toolkit, execute the Match Work Order Tasks function. If a Category is selected in the Planned Task, the system will find all completed work orders with this sub-task that have the matching category, department, and fiscal year. If no Category is identified, the system will find all completed work orders with this sub-task that match the department and fiscal year (regardless of Category). Then, execute the Perform Cost Update function. The system will total the actual amount, labor days, and costs of the tasks from the previous step. The results will be displayed on the Quantity, Labor Days, and Costs tabs.
Next, run the Toolkit functions in the Department module. First, execute the Perform Cost Update function to update the actual and estimated costs on the Costs tab as well as the actual and estimated labor days on the Labor Days tab. Then, execute the Recalculate Fiscal Year Totals function. This makes sure that the actual cost calculations on the Cost tab are in sync and accurate. The actual costs and labor days are based on Work Orders completed by this Department, in this Fiscal Year.
Finally, run the remaining Toolkit function in the Fiscal Year module. Execute the Recalculate Fiscal Year Totals function. This tool recalculates the total estimated and actual costs as well as makes sure that the calculations on the General tab are in synch.
Note: These Toolkit functions allow users to update the calculations on-demand; however, these calculations are also run each night by the Lucity PM Service.