Work Order Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Work Order # *

Identifies the Work Order using a unique identifier, allowing users to track the work dynamically throughout the process.

Lucity automatically assigns a Work Order # when the user saves the record for the first time. An agency can establish format preferences in Work Options > Numbering Format > Work Order Numbering.

More information about automatic numbering

External WO ID

Enables the user to link this Lucity Work Order to a record in another external application (e.g., a third-party application integrated with Lucity through the REST API) by entering the record ID from that application in this field.

External Source

Identifies the integrated, external application linked to the Work Order.

Project ID

Links the Work Order to a Project.

The relationship between a Work Order and a Project can exist only if the Work Order's Main Task matches one of the Project Tasks attached to the Project.



Status Fields






Indicates the current state of the Work Order.

  • This field is usually updated manually; however, it may also be automatically updated by the system.
  • Any Work Order with a Status code greater than or equal to 950 is considered "Closed."
  • Several Status Codes are provided; however, agencies may customize the codes.

Built-in Status Codes

  • 2|New Work Order - The default state of a Work Order when it is first created.
  • 941|WO On Hold - Indicates that the Work Order cannot be completed yet. When a Work Order is "On Hold," it can affect the related Work Request.*
  • 948|Missing Required Data - Indicates that the Work Order Status was set to > 950, but that a piece of required information was not provided.
    • Lucity overrides the Status set by the user when a Work Order is generated from a PM, and key information is omitted on an Asset record. After a user enters the missing information, he or she must manually change the Status to > 950.
  • 950 - This codes does not have a preset description. Whatever description is assigned the system will treat the work order as closed but not complete.
  • 951|WO Canceled - Indicates that the Work Order is closed but will not be completed. This affects Work Requests * and PMs.*
  • 990|Closed by Affected PM - Indicates that the work was completed on a different Work Order that was generated from a PM.*
  • 999 - Complete - Indicates that the Work Order was resolved. This affects Work Requests * and PMs.*

    * More information about the Status of Work Orders/Requests

    * More information about closing Work Orders related to PMs

Special Functions

  • Changing the Status field can trigger the Status Change Notification.
  • If the Prompt for Comment on Status Change for WO feature is enabled in Work Options, the user is prompted to provide a reason for the change in Status. The response is saved in the Work Order > Comments grid.
  • If the Category Setup record for the Work Order's Category has the following options enabled, the Work Order must meet specific conditions before the Status can be set to > 950.
    • Requires Asset to Close - The Work Order must have an asset of that Category in the Asset grid before the Work Order can be closed.
    • Requires Employee Time to Close WO - All Employee resources attached to the Work Order must have their Units fields populated before the Work Order can be closed.

Security Notes

security To change the Status to > 949, a user must have the Work Orders > Allow Closing of Records permission.

security To edit a closed Work Order (Status > 949), a user must have the Work Orders > Allow Edit of Closed Records permission.

Status Date/Time

Displays the date and time at which the Work Order was initially saved or the date and time it was last saved with a Status change. The system automatically updates these fields.

Hard Lock WO

Prevents any user, no matter what level of permissions they have, from editing the Work Order. Once a Work Order is hard-locked, the only way to edit it is to ask an administrator to remove the lock in the database.

security Requires the Work Orders > Ability to Hard Lock WO permission.

Work Flow Fields

The following fields are used to classify the work being performed. The pick-list options for these fields are established in the Work Flow Setup modules.

Note that the choice the user makes in one field may prompt the system to populate other fields based on the configuration established in the Work Flow Setup. For example: If Bill Brown is always in charge of sewer inspections, the system can be configured so that the system automatically assigns "Bill Brown" as Supervisor whenever a user selects "Sewer Pipe Inspection" as the Main Task on the Work Order.

Also, many of these field values may be carried over from the Work Request.

More information about Work Flow fields

Category *

Defines the type of work being performed and how this Work Order fits into an agency's work system. The Category field is used to group Work Orders in meaningful ways and to streamline the data-entry process by limiting the options in other fields.

An agency establishes its list of Categories in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Category Setup module.

Example: A user creates a Work Order related to a pothole. He selects the Category "Street Repair." When the user chooses a Supervisor (farther down the form), the system shows only the Supervisors related to the "Street Repair" Category.

More information about Category fields


Identifies the issue that the Work Order is attempting to address.

An agency establishes its list of Problems in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Problem Setup module.

The following Notification is tied to the Problem:

  • Problem Notification - An agency can configure Lucity to alert specific people when a Work Order is created for certain Problems.

Main Task

Identifies the primary action required to complete the Work Order.

The Main Task is critical for Work Orders: It defines what needs to be done and often who is responsible for the work. Setting the Main Task can also populate records in the Task grid.

An agency establishes its list of Tasks in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Task Setup module.

More information about Main Tasks

The following Notifications are tied to the Main Task:

  • Task Notification - Lucity can be configured to notify certain people via email when specific Main Tasks appear on a Work Order.
  • Overdue Notification - Lucity can be configured to notify the supervisor via email that a Work Order with a particular Main Task has remained open too long.
  • Start Date Notification - Lucity can be configured to notify the supervisor via email when the Start Date is reached for a Work Order with a certain Main Task. This is useful when work is generated in advance.
  • WO Complete Notification - Lucity can be configured to notify the supervisor via email when the Status of a Work Order with a certain Main Task is changed to a value > 950.
  • Priority Notification - Lucity can be configured to notify the supervisor via email when the Priority of a Work Order with a certain Main Task changes.
  • Status Change Notification - Lucity can be configured to notify the supervisor via email when the Status changes on a Work Order with a particular Main Task.


Identifies the event or situation that instigated the problem necessitating the Work Order.

The list of Causes comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Cause Setup module.

Assigned Crew

Identifies a team of employees assigned to complete the Work Order.

The list of Crews comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Crew Setup module.


Identifies the employee responsible for managing the agency's response to the Work Order.

The list of Supervisors consists of records in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module that have the Supervisor field marked.

  • The default Supervisor associated with a Maintenance Zone or Alternate Zones selection will always overwrite the Supervisor field.

The following Notification is tied to the Supervisor:

  • Supervisor Notification - Lucity can be configured to alert Supervisors via email when they are assigned a Work Order.

Lead Worker

Identifies the employee who serves as the point-person for Work Order Tasks.

The list of Leadworkers consists of records in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module that have the Leadworker field marked.

  • If the "Populate Resources from Lead Worker" feature is enabled in Work Options, the system adds the Lead Worker to the Employee grid for each Task in the Work Order > Task grid.

The following Notification is tied to the Lead Worker:

  • Lead Worker Notification - Lucity can be configured to alert Lead Workers via email when they are assigned a Work Order.


Identifies an outside entity assigned to complete the Work Order.

The list of Contractors comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Contractor module.


Identifies the general class of equipment or employee resources that will be used on the Work Order.

The list of Classifications comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Classification and Equipment Classification modules.


Zone Fields

Maintenance Zone

Classifies the work into a geographical area of responsibility based on its location. The list of Maintenance Zones comes from the Work > Administration > Maintenance Zones module.

The system automatically designates the Maintenance Zone using this process;.

  • When a user creates a Work Order and adds an Asset, Lucity checks whether the first asset has an assigned Maintenance Zone.
  • If the asset has an assigned Zone, the system carries the value to the Work Order.
  • If the asset does not have an assigned Maintenance Zone, the system checks the asset's location in the GIS system to determine which Zone it falls in.
  • If there is no asset on the Work Order, Lucity checks the Loc Address and Loc Street Name on the Work Order to determine which Maintenance Zone the Work Order falls in.

Alternate Zone

Classifies the work into a secondary geographical grouping based on its location. The list of Alternate Zones comes from the Work > Administration > Alternate Zones module.

The system automatically designates the Alternate Zone using this process:

  • When a user creates a Work Order and adds Assets, Lucity checks whether the first Asset on the list has an assigned Alternate Zone.
  • If the asset has an assigned Alternate Zone, the system carries the value to the Work Order.
  • If the asset does not have an assigned Alternate Zone, the system checks the asset's location in the GIS system to determine which Zone it falls in.
  • If there are no assets on the Work Order, Lucity checks the Loc Address and Loc Street Name on the first record in the Location grid to determine which Alternate Zone the Work Order falls in.

More information about setting up Maintenance and Alternate Zones

General Fields


Indicates how important the Work Order is.

Special functionality:

  • Priority Notification - When a user changes the Priority on a Work Order, the Main Task may trigger an email notification to alert the assigned Supervisor of the change. More information


Describes why the Work Order was created.


Identifies the person or entity that possesses the location or asset being worked on.

Received By

Identifies the Employee who received the Work Order.

Inspected By

Identifies the Employee who assessed the quality of the work.

Assigned By

Identifies the Employee who delegated the Work Order.

  • The list of Employees with authority to assign work comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup records that have the Assigner field marked.


Identifies a business or person that carries out a portion of the work on a larger project. The subcontractor is hired either by the related department or by the contractor hired to perform the work.

Publicly Available

Indicates whether the Work Order record is available to the public through the Citizen REST API. When enabled, this option allows integrations created for external apps to check the Work Order.

PM Trigger

Indicates that the Work Order was generated from a PM and identifies the type of data that triggered the PM.

Department Fields


Identifies the organizational units to which the work is assigned.





Billing Fields

Account #

Indicates the reference number of the general account to be billed for the work. The system can be configured to handle account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field. More information about Account Number formats

Proj No - Acct

Indicates the reference number for a specific project account to be billed for the work. The system can be configured to handle project account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field. More information about Project Account Number formats

  • Automatically populated with the Project No-Acct set on Main Task's Work Flow Setup record if the "Populate WO Acct # from Main Task #" option is enabled.
  • Automatically populates the Project No-Acct on records in the Task grid if the records' Project No-Acct field is empty and the "Populate empty WO Acct# w/Main#" option is enabled.

Bill Cust ID *

Bill Cust No *

Identifies person or entity to be billed for the work by referencing an assigned Customer ID.

Identifies the person or entity to be billed for the work by referencing an assigned Customer No.

Bill Cust Name **

Bill Cust Last Name **

Identifies the person or entity who is to be billed for the work by name.

Bill Cust Address **

States the street address of the person or entity who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Cust City **

Bill Cust State **

Bill Cust Zip **

Provides additional address information for the person or entity who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Cust Phone **

Identifies a phone number of the person or entity who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Cell # **

Identifies the cell number of the person or entity who is to be billed for the work.

Bill Fax # **

Identifies the fax number of the person or entity who is to be billed for the work.

Bill E-mail **

Identifies the email address of the person or entity who is to be billed.

Contact Name

Identifies the person to contact regarding billing issues.

Invoice Number

Indicates the reference number of the invoice sent out for the work.

Incoming Account No

Denotes the account number the customer used to pay the bill.

Billing Amount**

States the amount of money being billed for the work.

  • - Populate with Total Cost - Sets the Billing Amount = Total Cost.

Date Bill Sent

Identifies when the bill was sent to the customer.

Payment Recvd

Indicates when the funds were received by the agency.

Payment Method

Indicates how the bill was paid: by check, credit card, cash, etc.

Billing Required**

Finance Enterprise integration: Enables the Finance Enterprise (FE) Accounts Receivable integration, prompting the system to send Lucity Work Order billing information to FE Accounts Receivable.

Eden integration: Tells the Eden Accounts Receivable Billing Import that the data needs to be imported.

Billing Processed

Eden integration: The system automatically checks this field when an invoice is created in Eden's Accounts Receivable module.


Imported to Finance

Indicates that billing data has been transfered to another financial system through an integration process.

  • Integrations that attempt to update this field must have the Work Orders > Update from Financials permission in Lucity Security security. Lucity automatically checks this field when applicable.

*The system automatically copies these fields from the Request's Customer fields if the Send to Work Order Billing field is checked on the Request.

*Required to enable the Finance Enterprise > Accounts Receivable integration.

*These fields must be completed to enable the Eden > Accounts Receivable Billing Import Integration.

Location Related Fields


Street Name

Street Name 2


Loc City

Loc State

Loc Zip Code

Identify where the work outlined in the Work Order will take place.

  • These fields display address details for the first record in the Locations grid.
    • If the user completes the Work Order's Address fields or adds a record to the Locations grid first, that information becomes the first record in the Locations grid.
    • If the user adds an Asset to the Work Order first, the address of that asset becomes the first record in the Locations grid.
  • These fields also provide users with a quick way to add records to the Locations grid. If a user types location information into these fields, the information is saved to the Locations grid.
    • If the address fields are already populated, the newly entered information is saved as a separate record in the Locations grid.
    • The address fields will always revert to displaying the information for the first record in the Locations grid.

Asset Related Fields

System ID 1

Displays the common ID for the first record in the Work Order's Assets grid. This field is not usually included on the Work Order form because the Asset (Desc 1) field provides more information.

Asset (Desc 1)

Displays the Desc 1 value for the first record in the Work Order's Assets grid. The Desc 1 field is commonly used to identify and describe the asset.

Location (Desc 2)

Displays the Desc 2 value for the first record in the Work Order's Assets grid. The Desc 2 field usually provides information about the location of the asset.

Override Fields

The following fields enable the user to cancel various Notifications related to this particular Work Order.

Override Problem Notification

Prevents the system from sending Problem Notifications for this Work Order. By default, the system sends the Problem Notifications to designated recipientswhen a user selects the Problem on the Work Order and saves the record.

Override Overdue Notification

Prevents the system from sending Overdue Notifications for this Work Order. By default, the system sends the Overdue Notification to the designated Supervisor when the current date is past the Projected Completion Date.

  • Administrators can disable Overdue Notifications for all Work Orders by enabling the Disable Work Order Overdue Notifications feature in Work Options.

Override Leadworker Notification

Prevents the system from sending Leadworker Notifications for this Work Order. By default, the system sends the Leadworker Notification when a user selects the Leadworker on the Work Order and saves the record.

Override Task Notification

Prevents the system from sending the Task Notifications for this Work Order. By default, the system sends the Task Notifications when a user selects the Main Task on the Work Order and saves the record.

Override Supervisor Notification

Prevents the system from sending the Supervisor Notifications for this work order. By default, the system sends the Supervisor Notification when a user selects the Supervisor on the Work Order and saves the record.

Cost Fields

The following fields display the estimated costs, actual costs and cost differences for the Work Order. Users can complete these fields manually or let the system calculate the values using cost data from the Work Order Tasks. More information about Work Order Cost relationships

Estimated Costs

Estimated Cost fields are used establish time and cost projections for the Work Order.

Use Task Est.

When enabled, instructs the system to populate the Work Order's estimate fields with the sum of the corresponding estimate fields on all Work Order Tasks. (All estimate fields on the Work Order are read-only when this feature is enabled.)

When the Use Task Est. field is disabled, users can update the Work Order's estimate fields manually.

Est. Labor Hours

Appraises the amount of employee time required to complete the Work Order.

Est. Labor Cost

Indicates the estimated cost for employee resources required to complete the Work Order.

Est. Equipment Cost

Indicates the estimated cost of the equipment required complete the Work Order.

Est. Contractor Cost

Represents the estimated cost of contractors that must be hired to complete the Work Order.

Est. Material Cost

Indicates the projected cost of materials required to complete the Work Order.

Est. Fluid Cost

Indicates the projected cost of fluids required to complete the Work Order.

Est. Misc. Cost

Represents the projected cost of any miscellaneous items (e.g., taxes, permit fees, etc.) required to complete the Work Order.

Total Cost Est

Indicates the sum of the estimated costs for the entire Work Order. Automatically calculated as:

Est Labor Cost + Est Equipment Cost + Est Contractor Cost + Est Material Cost + Est Fluid Cost + Est Misc Cost = Total Cost Est


Actual Costs

Actual Cost fields record the actual amount of time and money required to complete the work.

Use Task Actual Costs

When enabled, instructs the system to populate the Work Order's actual cost fields with the sum of the corresponding actual cost fields on all Work Order Tasks. (All actual cost fields are read-only when enabled.)

When the Use Task Actual Costs field is disabled, users can update the Work Order's actual cost fields manually.

Actual Labor Hours

Represents the actual amount of employee hours required to complete the Work Order.

Actual Labor Cost

Represents the actual cost of employee resources used to complete the Work Order.

Actual Material Cost

Indicates the actual cost of materials used to complete the Work Order.

Actual Fluid Cost

Indicates the actual cost of fluids used to complete the Work Order.

Actual Equipment Cost

Indicates the actual cost of the equipment used to complete the Work Order.

Actual Contractor Cost

Represents the actual cost of contractor services used to complete the Work Order.

Misc. Cost

Represents the actual cost of any miscellaneous items used to complete the Work Order.

Total Cost

Indicates the actual, complete cost of the work. Automatically calculated as:

  • Actual Labor Cost + Actual Equipment Cost + Actual Contractor Cost + Actual Material Cost + Actual Fluid Cost + Misc Cost = Total Cost

Cost Difference

Cost Difference fields record the difference between an agency's estimates and the actual figures for the completed work. This data can be used to evaluate crew performance or to improve project-planning methods.

Labor Hour Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Labor Hours and the Actual Labor Hours values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Labor Hours - Actual Labor Hours = Labor Hour Diff

Labor Cost Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Labor Cost and the Actual Labor Cost values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Labor Cost - Actual Labor Cost = Labor Cost Diff

Material Cost Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Material Cost and the Actual Material Cost values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Material Cost - Actual Material Cost = Material Cost Diff

Fluid Cost Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Fluid Cost and the Actual Fluid Cost values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Fluid Cost - Actual Fluid Cost = Fluid Cost Diff

Equip Cost Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Equip Cost and the Actual Equip Cost values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Equip Cost - Actual Equip Cost = Equip Cost Diff

Contractor Cost Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Contractor Cost and the Actual Contractor Cost values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Contractor Cost - Actual Contractor Cost = Contractor Cost Diff

Misc. Cost Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Misc Cost and the Actual Misc Cost values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Misc Cost - Actual Misc Cost = Misc Cost Diff

Total Cost Diff

Displays the difference between the Est Total Cost and the Actual Total Cost values. Automatically calculated as:

  • Est Total Cost - Actual Total Cost = Total Cost Diff

Other Cost Fields


Indicates the amount of items worked on within the Work Order. The user can enter the quantity manually or allow the system to calculate the number based on the type of asset:

  • Manual - Users can manually complete this field if assets are not listed on the Work Order or if they want to adjust the quantity.
    • Check the Quantity Lock box to ensure they system doesn't overwrite the manual value.
  • Count - Often used when the Work Order addresses discreet assets that are individual units. This method assumes that the work performed on each asset is the same.

    Example: Painting Fire Hydrants - The crew painted 5 fire hydrants.

  • Sum - Often used when the Work Order addresses assets that vary widely in size. A larger asset will take much longer to work on than a smaller asset, therefore, the work done on each asset will vary depending on the asset. This adds together some metric about each asset worked on.

    Example: Cleaning Sewer Pipes - They cleaned 500 linear feet of sewer pipe.

More information about how to configure Quantity Calculations

Quantity Lock

Locks the Quantity field to prevent the system from calculating the value. This feature enables users to enter a quantity manually, without the system overwriting it.

Unit of Measure

Indicates the unit in which the Quantity is measured.

  • Lucity populates this field using the default value from the Category Setup record associated with the Category identified on the Work Order.
  • If the Category Setup record does not set this value, the system attempts to determine the value using data from the Task Setup record associated with the Work Order's Main Task.

Unit Cost

Calculates the cost of working on each unit of asset.

Automatically calculated as: Total Cost/Quantity = Unit Cost

Note: Depending on how the quantity is measured, this value could represent the per asset cost (e.g., $100 per asset) or the per unit of asset cost (e.g., $100 per linear foot).

WO Hours

Gives agencies who do not use Work Order Tasks a simple way to enter the number of hours spent completing this Work Order. This field is not included in any calculations.

Scheduling Fields

The following Work Order fields define when the work will occur or when it took place and how long it is expected to last or lasted. More information about Work Order scheduling

Start Date

Start Time

Indicates the date and time that work began or will begin on the Work Order.

  • Automatically updated to match the earliest Task Start Date.
  • If the "Auto-Change WO Dates to Match Tasks Dates" option is enabled in Work Options, the system applies the Start Date from the Tasks grid as the Work Order's Start Date.
  • If the Start Time field is left blank, the system applies the time established in the Default Work Order Start Time setting in Work Options.

End Date

End Time

Indicates the date that work ceased on the Work Order.

  • If the "Auto-Change WO Dates to Match Tasks Dates" option is enabled in Work Options, the system applies the End Date from the Tasks grid as the Work Order's End Date.
  • The - Populate with Start Date pick-list option sets the End Date = Start Date.


Assigned Date/Assigned TIme

Identifies when a Supervisor or Lead Worker was named on the Work Order.

  • The user manually enters this value. It is not automatically generated by the system.


Projected Compl (Date)

Projected Compl Time

Specifies the date that the work is expected to be completed. The system automatically recalculates this value if either the Start Date or Estimated WO Duration value changes.

  • Calculated as: Start Date/Time + Estimated WO Duration
  • If the sum (Estimated WO Duration + Start Time) exceeds the Default Number of Hours Worked per Day (or the Supervisor's, Leadworker's, or Crew's Hours per Day), the system pushes the Projected Completion Date to the next day. The Projected Completion Time is then calculated as Default Work Order Start time + the remaining number of hours.


Projected Compl Lock

Prevents the system from overwriting the Projected Completion Date/Time values the user has entered.

A lock can be applied on the Work Order form, or it may be carried over from the Main Task.


WO Duration Estimate(Hrs)

Estimates the number of hours that it will take to complete the work.

  • If the Work Order is generated manually, the system automatically populates the field with the Main Task's Est Task Duration (Hrs), if it exists.
  • If the Work Order was generated from a PM, the system automatically populates the field with PM's Est Duration (Hrs) value. If no value exists, the system looks for the Main Task's Est Task Duration (Hrs).
  • If the user leaves the WO Duration Estimate(Hrs) field blank, but the Work Order's Start Date/Time and Projected Completion Date/Time are populated, the program calculates this value as the difference between the Projected Completion Date/Time and the Start Date/Time.

    In performing the calculation, Lucity takes into account the maximum number of hours the Employees on the Work Order work per day. This factor can be defined in several places; so Lucity applies a hierarchy:

    1. The Crew's Hours per Day value (Crew Setup)
    2. The Lead Worker's Hours per Day value (Employee Setup)
    3. The Supervisor's Hours per Day value (Employee Setup)
    4. The agency's Default Number of Hours Worked per Day setting (Work Options)


WO Duration Actual(Hrs)

Indicates the total number of hours that it took to complete the Work Order.

  • Calculated as the difference between the Start Date/Time and the End Date/Time.

    In performing the calculation, Lucity takes into account the maximum number of hours the Employees on the Work Order work per day. This factor can be defined in several places; so Lucity applies a hierarchy:

    1. The Crew's Hours per Day value (Crew Setup)
    2. The Lead Worker's Hours per Day value (Employee Setup)
    3. The Supervisor's Hours per Day value (Employee Setup)
    4. The agency's Default Number of Hours Worked per Day setting (Work Options)


WO Duration Diff. (Hrs)

Displays the difference between the WO Duration Est (Hrs) and the WO Duration Actual (Hrs) values. Automatically calculated as:

  • WO Duration Est - WO Duration Actual = WO Duration Diff

Simple WO Fields

The following fields on a Work Order enable you to use the Simple Work Order workflow to add single assets and resources directly on the Work Order.

Simple WO Employee

Identifies the employee resource on this Work Order.

  • A new or different Employee in this field will copy to the WO Subtask. However, any Employee(s) previously saved in this field will not be deleted from the WO Subtask.

Simple WO Hours

Indicates the amount of hours to be applied to Employee or Equipment resources on this WO's Subtask.

  • This field will only accept data when the Simple WO Employee field is populated.
  • Changes to this field will copy to all Employees and Equipment on the WO Subtask.

Simple WO End Date

Indicates the end date for this Work Order.

  • This date will copy to the following:
    • Subtask Start and End Dates
    • Employee and Equipment Resource End Dates
    • Asset Completion Date

Asset Type

Indicates the asset type available to select for the Simple WO Asset.

  • This field will auto-populate based on the Category selected for the Work Order.

Simple WO Asset Rec #

Identifies the single asset for this simple Work Order. This selection is automatically added to the WO > Assets grid.

  • This field becomes read-only once an asset is entered. To edit the asset in this field, you must first delete the asset from the WO > Assets grid.

Odometer #

Hourmeter #

Other Meter #

Indicate the meter readings for the single Fleet or Equipment asset selected as the Simple WO Asset on this Work Order.

  • You must first create and save a Work Order with a single Fleet or Equipment asset in order to make these fields editable. These fields will be immediately editable when creating a WO from a Fleet or Equipment asset, or from a PM containing a single Fleet or Equipment asset.
  • If the WO End Date is more recent than the Fleet or Equipment asset's Eval Current Date, values entered into these fields must be greater than or equal to the Eval Current meter reading(s) and will copy to the Asset's Eval Current meter reading(s).

    Note: Only Hourmeter and Othermeter will copy to Equipment assets.

  • Changes to these fields copy to the corresponding meter fields on the WO Asset. These fields are never updated from the WO Asset.

Linking Fields

CS Billing Customer ID

Identifies an Accounts Receivable customer from the Finance Enterprise (FE) Person/Entity (PEUPPE) screen.

  • This field is inactive when the Imported to Finance field is TRUE.

More information about the FE Accounts Receivable integration.

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.

Comment Fields

Comment to Crew

Provides specific information to help the work crew understand the necessary work.

  • If the Work Order was created from a PM, comment text could be carried over from the PM's Send to WO Crew Comment field.

Comment from Request


Provides general information about the work to be performed.

  • If the Work Order was created from a Request, comment text could be carried over from the Request's Request to Work Order field.
  • If the Work Order was created from a PM, comment text could be carried over from the PM's Send to WO Request Comment field.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.