Number Format

Every module has a Unique ID. Some modules can supply this number automatically; however, certain settings allow agencies to choose how an ID is set (automatically or manually) and, if auto-numbered, what format the number should use.

Note: Lucity automatically generates ID Numbers for the following modules based on the web server's system clock. This typically includes the year the record was entered; therefore, if the accuracy of the date is critical to an agency's accounting or work processes, all records for the current year must be entered before year-end.

Warning: Do not manually change your system clock to enter records for the previous year. Doing so will have serious negative consequences for the program.

Work Order Numbering

Options for the Work Order # field in the Work Order module.

Reset Work Order Number Each (M, Y, D, N)

This option controls how often the Work Order # auto number is reset.

M = Monthly, Y = Yearly, D = Daily, N = Never.

Reset Work Order Number To

Enter a number that the Work Order numbering system will be reset to when the reset occurs.

Work Order Number Format

Determines the format of the Work Order Number values that Lucity assigns.

  • Lucity's standard format is YYMM#### (for example, 19010001 would be the number assigned to the first permit issued in January 2019).
  • To change the format, click Edit Format and then use the fields that appear to set the preferred format.
    • Year: Choose a two- or four-digit format (## or 20##).
    • Month: Choose a numeric or abbreviated text format (for example, 01 or JAN).
    • Day: Include the day of the month.
    • Special: Choose a special character to include as a divider. Up to three characters may be added at different places in the Permit Number.
    • Sequence: Choose a three-, four-, five- or six-digit format for the Permit Number.
  • The system will set the new number format as the above options are selected. The options do not need to be selected in the order listed. Click Finish Editing when the number is in the correct format.

Request Numbering

Options for the Request # field in the Request module.

Reset Request Number (M, Y, D, N)

This option controls how often the Request # auto number is reset.

M = Monthly, Y = Yearly, D = Daily, N = Never

Reset Request Number To

Enter a number that the Request numbering system will be reset to when the reset occurs.

Request Number Format

Displays the format of the Request number. This is automatically populated based on the settings in the previous fields. To change the formatting click the Edit Format button and then use the previous fields to create the desired format.

Material Requisition

Options for the Requisition No field in the Material Requisition module.

Auto Generate Material Requisition Numbers

This controls whether or not the Material Requisition module will automatically generate a number for each requisition. If this is not checked a number will have to be manually entered when adding a new material requisition record.

Reset Material Requisition Number Each (M, Y, D, N)

This option controls how often the Requisition No auto number is reset.

M = Monthly, Y = Yearly, D = Daily, N = Never.

Reset Material Requisition Number To

Enter a number that the Sewer Lateral Permit numbering system will be reset to when the reset occurs.

Material Requisition Format

Displays the format of the Material Requisition number. This is automatically populated based on the settings in the previous fields. To change the formatting click the Edit Format button and then use the previous fields to create the desired format.

Purchase Order

Options for the PO Number field in the Purchase Orders module.

Reset PO Number Each (M, Y, D, N)

This option controls how often the PO Number auto number is reset.

M = Monthly, Y = Yearly, D = Daily, N = Never.

Reset PO Number To

Enter a number that the PO numbering system will be reset to when the reset occurs.

Auto Generate PO Numbers

This controls whether or not the Purchase Orders module will automatically generate a number for each purchase order. If this is not checked you can manually enter a PO number, or the system will auto-populate this with the database record number.

Purchase Order Number Format

Displays the format of the Purchase Order number. This is automatically populated based on the settings in the previous fields. To change the formatting click the Edit Format button and then use the previous fields to create the desired format.


The following settings control how Permits are numbered in the Work > Permit module.

Auto Generate Permit Numbers

Controls whether Lucity automatically generates the Permit Number value for Work Permit records.

If this setting is not enabled:

  • a user must enter a Permit Number manually when creating a new Permit; and
  • the other Permit settings listed here have no effect.


Reset Permit Number Each (M, Y, D, N)

Dictates how often Lucity should reset the Permit Number value.

M = Monthly, Y = Yearly, D = Daily, N = Never

Reset Permit Number To

Indicates the value to which the Permit Number should be reset when a reset occurs.

Work Permit Number Format

Determines the format of the Permit Number values that Lucity assigns.

  • Lucity's standard format is YYMM#### (for example, 19010001 would be the number assigned to the first permit issued in January 2019).
  • To change the format, click Edit Format and then use the fields that appear to set the preferred format.
    • Year: Choose a two- or four-digit format (## or 20##).
    • Month: Choose a numeric or abbreviated text format (for example, 01 or JAN).
    • Day: Include the day of the month.
    • Special: Choose a special character to include as a divider. Up to three characters may be added at different places in the Permit Number.
    • Sequence: Choose a three-, four-, five- or six-digit format for the Permit Number.


Utility Locates

Options for the Locate Number field in the Utility Locate module.

Utility Locate Number Format

Displays the format of the Locate number. This is automatically populated based on the settings in the following fields. To change the formatting click the Edit Format button and then use the previous fields to create the desired format.

Reset Locate Number Each (M, Y, D, N)

This option controls how often the Utility Locate Number auto number is reset.

M = Monthly, Y = Yearly, D = Daily, N = Never.

Reset Locate Number To

Enter a number that the Locate numbering system will be reset to when the reset occurs.

Auto Generate Utility Locate Numbers

This controls whether or not the Utility Locate module will automatically generate a number for each permit. If this is not checked a number will have to be manually entered when adding a new Permit record.