Work Order Notifications

Lucity has the ability to generate automated Notifications for Work Orders. These Notifications are often based on the Task noted on the Request record or the Supervisor assigned to oversee the work.

Any automated email Notifications the system sends in relation to the Work Order are recorded in the Work Order > Tracking grid.

Automated Notifications

Agencies can configure Lucity to automatically send a variety of email Notifications at different points in the lifetime of the Work Order:


Supervisor Notifications

Lead Worker Notifications

Work Task Notifications

Work Order Completion

Overdue Notifications

Priority Change Notification

Problem Notifications

Start Date Notifications

Status Change Notifications

Supervisor Notifications

Supervisor Notifications alert an employee via email or printed report that he or she has been assigned as the supervisor on a Work Request.


How to set up a Supervisor Notification

How to trigger a Supervisor Notification

How to override a Notification

Example Notification Template

Lead Worker Notifications

Lead Worker Notifications notify an employee via email or printed report that he or she has been assigned as the lead worker on a Work Order.


How to set up a Lead Worker Notification

How to trigger a Lead Worker Notification

How to override a Notification

Example Notification Template

Work Task Notifications

General Work Task Notifications are designed to communicate standard messages regarding Work Orders to designated people via email or printed report.

Users can customize Work Task Notifications to meet their communications needs. Such messages are set up in the Notification module and applied through the Work Task Setup module's Notification grid.

For example, a user could set up a Work Task Notification to automatically inform Fred when a Sewer Cleaning work order is created.


How to create a general Work Task Notification

How to trigger a general Work Task Notification


How to create a Category specific Work Task Notification

How to trigger a Category specific Work Task Notification


How to override a Notification

Work Order Completion

Work Order Completion Notifications let the person assigned as Supervisor on a Work Order know that the Main Task associated with the Work Order has been accomplished.


How to set up a Task to generate a WO Complete Notification

How to trigger a WO Complete Notification

How to override a Notification

Example Notification Template

Overdue Notifications

Overdue Notifications let the person assigned as Supervisor on a Work Order know that the Main Work Task on the Work Order was not completed within the expected time frame.

How to set up a Task to generate an Overdue Notification

How to trigger an Overdue Notification

How to override a Notification

Example Notification Template

Priority Change Notification

The Employees assigned as Supervisors on Work Orders can be sent email notifications informing them if the priority changes on their Work Order.


How to set up a Task to generate a Priority Change Notification

How to trigger a Priority Change Notifications

How to override a Notification

Example Notification Template

Problem Notifications

Problem Notifications are designed to communicate standard messages regarding Work Orders dealing with a specific problem to designated people via email or printed report. These notifications can also be configured to only send out when specific Categories are selected on a work request or work order.

Users can customize Problem Notifications to meet their communications needs. Such messages are set up in the Notification module and applied through the Work Problem Setup module's Notification grid.

For example, a user could set up a Work Problem Notification to automatically inform Bill when a Sewer Illicit Discharge cleanup work order is created.


How to create a Problem Notification

How to trigger a Problem Notification


How to create a Category-Specific Problem Notification

How to trigger a Category-Specific Problem Notification


How to override a Notification

Start Date Notifications

This function allows a single email notification to be sent on the Start Date of a Work Order, in addition to any notifications sent on the work order creation date.

Usually a work order is created shortly before the work needs to be done. All task notifications are sent when a work order is created. However, there are times when a work order is generated ahead of time, either manually or using a PM. In these cases it might be better to have a notification generate on the Work Order's start date reminding employees of the work.

How to set up a Start Date Notification

How to trigger a Start Date Notification

How to override a Notification

Status Change Notifications

A Status Change Notification alerts the assigned Supervisor via email of Status changes associated with a particular Main Task on an open Work Order.

Note: Status Change Notifications cannot be overridden. That is, once the Status Change Notification is enabled for a Work Order Task, users do not have the ability to prevent the system from sending the notification for a particular Work Order.

Related Work Options

How to set up a Status Change Notification for a Task

How to trigger a Status Change Notification

Sample Status Change Notification Template