Most Work Orders designate either an Asset or a Location as the focus of the work. Work Order Assets are individual items from other Lucity modules that are the focus of the Work Order. For example, a Work Order could address one or more vehicles, a stretch of roadway, or a sewer manhole.
Adding Assets to the Work Order ties work costs back to the asset. Thus, an agency can view a history of Lucity data for its assets and assess the maintenance cost of an asset over time.
Lucity's Work system is flexible to help organizations manage small tasks or large projects that span extended periods of time. Some Work Orders designate only one Asset, while others list many. Users can also add a single Asset to a Work Order multiple times. This capability accommodates agencies that want to create larger Work Orders with Tasks that require the asset to be worked on on multiple occasions.
Asset-Related Fields
System ID 1
Displays the common ID for the first record in the Work Order's Assets grid. This field is not usually included on the Work Order form because the Asset (Desc 1) field provides more information.
Asset (Desc 1)
Displays the Desc 1 value for the first record in the Work Order's Assets grid. The Desc 1 field is commonly used to identify and describe the asset.
Location (Desc 2)
Displays the Desc 2 value for the first record in the Work Order's Assets grid. The Desc 2 field usually provides information about the location of the asset.
Work Order Assets Grid
The Work Order > Asset grid lists the asset inventory records associated with the Work Order. The grid gives users easy access to these records, as well as to many tools used to work with Asset records or work with Asset data.
Records may be added to this grid:
directly within the grid;
through the Web Map;
when a user creates a Work Order from an Asset Inventory record or an Inspection record using the button; or
by the PM/Template that generated the Work Order, if applicable. (Records from the PM/Template's Assets grid are automatically copied to the Work Order.)
Forcing Asset Use
If the Category selected in the Work Order's Category field has the "Requires Asset to Close WO" option enabled, an asset of that same Category must be added to the Work Order's Asset grid before the Work Order can be closed.
Related Work Options
If the "Allow Duplicate Assets per Work Order" setting is enabled in Work Options, users can add the same Asset to a Work Order multiple times. If the option is disabled, each Asset can only be added to the Work Order once.
If the "Copy Address from Asset" setting is enabled in Work Options and an Asset is added to the Work Order, the system automatically attempts to create a connected Location record to identify the location of the asset. If a user later deletes the Asset record, the system deletes the Location record, as well.
In the Work Orders module, click the to expand the Work Order record to which you want to add an asset.
Select the Asset grid and click the button. The Asset form appears with the Work Order Category already populated as the Asset Category; however, the user can change this selection.
If the desired asset is of a different Asset Type than the one listed, you must change the Category value to one linked to the desired Asset Inventory module. Doing so allows the user to add Assets of multiple Asset Types to the same Work Order.
Select or enter the Asset Rec#. The system uses data from the selected Asset record to complete the Desc 1 and Desc 2 fields.
The same Asset can be added to the Work Order multiple times.
Complete other fields as desired.
Click the button to save the record. The selected Asset now appears in the Work Order's Assets grid.
In the Work Orders module, click the to expand the desired Work Order record.
Click the Toolkit in the Assets grid and select General > Add Multiple Assets. The following pop-up appears:
Note: You may notice there are other tools for adding multiple assets to a Work Order. Those tools, however, assume that the Asset Type will match the Work Order's Category and skip the next step.
Open the Choose A Category picklist and select a Category (required).
Click OK.
Open the Select an Asset picklist. The following pop-up appears:
Select one or more Assets (required) by checking the box next to it. Asset options are limited to the Category selected in Step 3.
Click Select.
Click OK . The new Assets now appear in the Work Order's Assets grid.
In the Asset grid, select the desired Asset record and click the button. The Asset record opens.
Check the Completed box.
Enter the Completion Date.
If the Asset's Category is linked to the Fleet or Equipment modules, the Odometer, Hourmeter, and Other Meter fields are enabled. Enter the necessary readings for the Vehicle or Equipment item.
If the Work Order was generated from a PM based on meter-reading intervals, the user must populate these fields because they reset the asset's preventative maintenance (PM) schedule.
In order for the meter reading to be carried over to the Fleet or Equipment record, the user must also populate the Completion Date.
This field is read-only and is automatically populated based on the inventory to which the selected Category is tied.
Asset Rec #
Identifies the asset by its unique, system-defined identifier. Users can only select or enter assets from the module indicated in the Asset Type field.
Enables users to select the asset from a pick-list of records from the module.
Enables users to select the asset from a asset-driven list/tree of options.
Display useful information from the Asset record. The system automatically completes these fields based on settings in the Work Asset Setup module; however the user can edit these fields.
PM Description
Describes the asset as it was described on the PM.
When a Work Order is created from a PM, the system automatically populates this field using the Description entered in the PM > Asset record.
Indicates when work on this Asset should be completed in relation to other Assets on the Work Order.