Request Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Request # *

Displays the system-generated, but agency-defined, unique identifier for the Request. This value is based on the format the agency established in Lucity's Work Options > Numbering Format > Request Numbering.

More information about automatic numbering

Request Rec #

Displays the system-defined, unique identifier for the Request record.

Publicly Available

Indicates whether the Request record should be displayed publicly, such as through an external application that allows customers to check the status of a request. Availability is provided through Lucity's Citizen REST API.

External Request ID

Enables the user to link this Lucity record to a record in another external application (for example, a request submitted through a 311 mobile app) by entering the record ID from that application in this field.

* Required.

Status Fields


Indicates the current state of the issue.

  • This field can be manually updated or automatically updated by the system using toolkits or automatic updates from linked work.
  • Changing this field can create a record in the Tracking grid.
  • Several Status Codes are provided; however, an agency can add its own codes.
    • 1|New Request - The default Status of a newly created Request.
    • 2|Assigned to Work Order - Indicates that the request is linked to an open PM.*
    • 941|Work Order on Hold - Indicates that the linked Work Order cannot be completed yet.*
    • 950 - While this code is not hard coded into the system if a status is added using this code the system will consider the Request closed but not complete.
    • 951|Work Order Canceled - Indicates that the Request and linked Work Order was closed but will not be completed.*
    • 998| WO Complete - Indicates that the linked Work Order is complete.*
    • 999|Complete - Indicates that the Request was resolved.

    *More information about Request/Work Order Status.

    *Status codes 950 and 951 are considered "Closed" but not "Complete." This

  • Any Status code greater than or equal to 952 is considered "Closed" and "Complete."
    • security Users must have the Work Request > Allow Edit of Closed Record permission to edit a Request with a Status > 949.
    • security Users must have the Work Request > Allow Closing of Record permission to set a Request to Status > 949.

Status Date/Time

Display the date and time at which the Status was last changed. Lucity automatically records this information when a user modifies the Status field; however, it also can be updated manually.

Customer Fields

The Customer fields on the Work Request form are used to identify the person making the request and gather related contact information. The values the user enters here can be used to look up existing Customer Contact or Request data in Lucity. The data entered here appear as that of the first Requester listed in the related Requesters grid.

Name (2)

Identifies the person making the request. The information the user enters in these fields can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.


Identifies the name of the company, if any, that the customer represents.

Phone #



Stores the customer's phone number. The Phone # can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

Note: Users must enter all phone numbers in a standard format for the search functions to work properly.

Home Phone #
Work Phone #
Phone 1
Phone 2

Identifies any alternative phone numbers for the customer.

Note: The system populates the Home Phone # field with the Phone # value if the Automatically fill Home Phone # from Phone # option is enabled on the Requests tab in Work Options.

  • > Populate with Phone Number - Copies the value in the Phone # field into the selected field.


Specifies the customer's email address. This value can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

The email address is critical for sending Customer Thank You, Customer Complete, Citizen Portal, and Feedback notifications.

Req Parcel Number

Specifies the tract of land associated with the request. This value can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

  • > Customer Lookup - Searches the Parcel module for a customer based on the parcel of land associated with him/her. Learn more.
  • > Request Lookup - Searches for other Requests with the same Parcel Number. Learn more.

Req Address
Req Street Name

Identifies the customer's street address. This information can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

  • > Customer Lookup - Searches the Customer Address module for the person based on his/her street address. Learn more.
  • > Request Lookup - Searches for other Requests with the same Req Address. Learn more.

Req City
Req State
Req Zip Code
Req Country

Identify additional address data for the customer.

Req Address 2
Req Street Name 2

Used to specify a secondary street address for the customer.

Util Acct #




Specifies an account number tied to the customer address. This information can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

  • > Customer Lookup - Searches the Accounts module for the customer associated with the given address. Learn more.
  • > Request Lookup - Searches for other Requests with the same Util Acct #. Learn more.

    Note: Some of these fields are automatically filled out with the currently logged in employee's information if the Use Information From Employee option is enabled on the form in the Form Designer.

Requester-Related Fields

Send to WO Billing

Directs the system to copy customer data to the Work Order's Billing fields when a Work Order is created from the Request.

No of Requests

Displays the number of records found in the Requesters grid. This is an easy way to see which Requests have the most demand.

Request Fields

The fields in the Request section of the form provide information about the issue, its specific location, and the work that needs to be performed.


Indicates how this request fits into the agency's Work system. The Category field is used to group Requests in meaningful ways and to streamline the data-entry process by limiting the options in other Request fields.

  • Example: A customer calls in a request related to a pothole. The user who completes the Request form selects the Category "Street Repair." When the user chooses a Supervisor (farther down the form), the system shows only the Supervisors related to the "Street Repair" Category.

An agency establishes its list of Categories in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Category Setup module.

Problem *

Specifies the issue that the customer wants to be addressed. It is crucial that the user define the problem accurately, because this information often determines who is responsible for resolving the issue and what tasks must be performed.

An agency establishes its list of Problems in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Problem Setup module.

The following are special functions that are tied to the problem selected on the Request.

  • Knowledge Base - A pop-up containing more information about the selected Problem. For example, the Knowledge Base could include instructions for the work crew, questions to ask the caller, etc. More information
  • Script - A pop-up containing questions the user should ask the customer about the problem. For example, a Script for the Problem used for a pothole may ask for a size estimate. More information
  • Problem Notification - Certain Problems can trigger a Problem Notification alerting key players of an urgent need or a problem associated with a particular department. More information
  • Changing this field can create a record in the Tracking grid.

Cause *

Identifies the event or situation that instigated the problem.

The list of Causes is established in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Cause Setup module.

Assigned Crew *

Indicates which work team should address/correct the issue.

The list of Crews is established in the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Crew Setup module.

Supervisor *

Identifies the employee responsible for managing the agency's response to the request.

The list of Supervisors comes from records the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module that have the Supervisor field marked.


Indicates the relative importance of the issue.

Location Address

Location Street Name


Identifies the actual location of the issue described in the request. The Location can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

Loc City
Loc State
Loc Zip
Loc Country

Provides additional location information for the issue.

Loc Address 2
Loc Street Name 2

Displays a secondary street address for the location of the issue.

Use Requester Address

Directs the system to copy data from the Customer address fields to the correlating address fields in the Request section of the form.

Asset Type *
Asset Req #

Asset Type identifies the Lucity module for the affected asset. The system sets the Asset Type when the user selects the Category for the Request.

Asset Req # enables users to attach one Lucity asset to the Request.

Desc 1
Desc 2

Displays information about the affected asset.

The contents of these fields can be modified for each asset type using the Work Order Asset Setup module.

* The options available in these pick-lists are dictated by the Category the user selects.

More information about Request fields that are carried over to a Work Order

Scheduling Fields

Follow-Up Date


Displays the date by which the Request should be completed. When the user selects a Problem on the Request form, the system performs the following calculation using the Overdue Days value from the Problem Setup record:

Request Creation Date + Problem Setup Overdue Days = Request Follow-Up Date

Projected Start Date

Displays the expected date that work will start on the request. This helps let customers know when to expect their request to be taken care of.

Automatically populated when a related work order's Start Date is edited. Only happens if the:

  • The request's Status < 950
  • The request's Projected Start Date Lock is not enabled

Projected Start Date Lock

Locks the Projected Start Date field so that the value is not calculated. This allows users to manually enter a Projected Start Date without it being overwritten.

Needs Work Order

Sets the request to automatically create a work order when the record is saved.

Citizen Portal Fields

The Citizen Portal fields appear only on the form customers see when using the Lucity Citizen Portal application.

Remember Me

Saves the customer's personal information using a cookie in the browser. The next time the customer opens the form, the Lucity Citizen Portal will automatically complete the Name, Address, Phone #, and Email Address fields.

File Upload

Allows the customer to attach an electronic file to a Request. The file is attached and uploaded to the document hive.

Departmental Fields






Identifies the organizational units to which the record is associated and any related work will be assigned.

Changing values in Department or Division fields will create a record in the Tracking grid.

Zone Fields

Maintenance Zone

Classifies the Request based its location and the agency's established work zones.

An agency establishes its Maintenance Zones in the Work > Administration > Maintenance Zones module.

Lucity automatically determines the Maintenance Zone on a Request.

  • When a user adds an asset to a new Work Request, the system checks whether the asset has an assigned Maintenance Zone. If it does, the system copies that value to the Request.
  • If the Work Request does not include an asset, the system uses the Loc Address and Loc Street Name on the Request to determine the applicable Maintenance Zone.

Alternate Zone

Classifies the Request based its location and the agency's secondary work zones.

An agency establishes its Alternate Zones in the Work > Administration > Alternate Zones module.

Lucity automatically determines the Alternate Zone on a Request.

  • When a user adds an asset to a new Work Request, the system checks whether the asset has an assigned Alternate Zone. If it does, the system copies that value to the Request.
  • If the Work Request does not include an asset, the system uses the Loc Address and Loc Street Name on the Request to determine the applicable Alternate Zone.

More information about setting up Maintenance and Alternate Zones

Override Fields

Lucity enables agencies to automatically send email notifications to the customer who made a Request, as well as to the employee responsible for supervising the work. The following fields, when enabled, allow a user to block such communications for a specific Request.


Override Supervisor

Prevents the system from sending the Supervisor Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Supervisor Notification at the point at which a user selects the Supervisor on the Request and the record is then saved.

Override Problem Notif

Prevents the system from sending the Problem Notifications for this Request. By default, the system sends the Problem Notification at the point at which a user selects the Problem on the Request and the record is then saved.

Override Overdue

Prevents the system from sending the Overdue Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Overdue Notification to the designated Supervisor when the current date is past the Follow-up Date.

Override Thank You

Prevents the system from sending the Customer Thank You Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Customer Thank You Notification when a new Request is saved for the first time.

Override Customer Compl

Prevents the system from sending the Customer Completed Notification for this Request. By default, the system sends the Customer Completed Notification to the Customer when the Request is closed.

Override WO Status

Prevents the system from sending the Work Order Status Notification to the requestors listed on this Request. When configured, the system will send a notification to the requestor when the related work order's status changes.