Custom Tab

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The Custom tabs appear throughout the Lucity™ system.  These tabs allows you to add custom information in multiple user-defined fields.  These fields include:

  1. Code-type - User-defined, pick list fields.
  2. Alphanumeric - Allows you to enter letters or numbers in any combination.
  3. Check-box - Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.
  4. Numerical - Accepts numeric digits only.
  5. Date - Provides a popup calendar allowing you to select a date.

    Note:  The Custom tab fields are designed by your system administrator.  They are completely open from the beginning and have no default information to track.  See your system administrator for further details.

The Custom tabs in some modules track additional information. This may include the following:

See Also

PM Work Template

PM Header Data

WO (Work Order) Tab

Location Tab

Assets tab

Checklist Tab

Tasks and Resources Tab

Scheduling WOs (Work Orders) Tab

Grouped PMs

Related WOs

Billing Tab

WO Custom Tab

Comments Tab


How to Create a PM

How to Edit a PM Schedule

How to Create a WO Template

PM Work Template Tutorial Movies