
The Toolkit in this module allows you to reset the current PM status to "Awaiting WO Generation". For example, you'll use this function if your PM status reads "WO Generated", but you've chosen to cancel the generated work order for some reason. You may also use this tool if your PM has generated a work order in error. Sometimes, you may need to use this tool if the PM status did not reset itself properly after a work order was closed.

  1. To use this tool, click the Toolkit button at the top of the module toolbar. The following window will appear:

    PM Toolkit

  2. Highlight "Reset PM Status to Awaiting WO Generation" and click Execute.
  3. The module will refresh and the status will be reset.

    Note: This tool only resets the status of the current PM record. You can only reset a PMs status if there are no currently linked PMs or Work Orders. This means that you must close out or cancel any generated Work Orders. In addition, there can be no tightly linked PMs with open, generated work orders. If there are linked records, you'll receive an error message informing you and the PM status will not be reset.

See Also

PM Work Template

PM Header Data

WO (Work Order) Tab

Location Tab

Assets tab

Checklist Tab

Tasks and Resources Tab

Scheduling WOs (Work Orders) Tab

Grouped PMs

Related WOs

Billing Tab

WO Custom Tab

Custom Tab

Comments Tab

How to Create a PM

How to Edit a PM Schedule

How to Create a WO Template

PM Work Template Tutorial Movies