
The Web Installation must be performed at the server where the application will reside. Installation instructions may vary slightly depending on which database you are using (Oracle or SQL Server). We recommend that you close all Windows applications before running the Lucity software setup.

General Requirements

Specific Requirements

Supported Browsers

Currently, the only fully supported browsers are Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, and 10.

How To

Install Lucity Web

  1. Open the Lucity install media and run Setup.exe, the following screen will appear:

     PNG Output Template

  2. Select the Web option on the menu. The following window will appear:

  3. Read the Welcome screen.
  4. Click to continue. The Database Connection Information dialog will appear:

    Note: Depending on which database you are using (Oracle or SQL Server), select the appropriate radio button. Then, enter the appropriate DB connection information based on your database type. Note that these need to be existing databases as the installation will not be creating databases for you.

    Oracle Users: The following versions/components are required: 10gR2 (version and ODP.NET 2.0 (version Checks are performed for these components. If any fail, you'll receive an error message stating the particular problem. If a problem is found, the installation will be terminated.

  5. Click to continue. The Existing Site dialog will appear:

  6. Click to continue. The Virtual Directory dialog will appear:

  7. Click to continue. The SSL Option window will appear:

    PNG Output Template

  8. To use Lucity Web over SSL, check this option. You are responsible for configuring the site to support SSL by installing a valid certificate and creating an https binding if they do not already exist.

    Note: If you enable this option but do not perform the required SSL configuration steps in IIS, Lucity Web will not run properly. If you are using the Lucity Web GIS Map, you may also need to modify the configuration of the ClientAccessPolicy.xml file on ArcServer to properly allow access across schemes.

  9. Click to continue. The Web Gateway User dialog will appear:

    PNG Output Template

  10. Read the information on the screen. It informs you that the username and password you provide will be used to create a new database user. The Web will utilize this user to query application configuration information. This user will be granted minimal database privileges and access to several Lucity stored procedures. Consider the following:
  11. Click to continue. The DBA Admin Login dialog will appear:

    DBA Credentials are required to create or update the specified user account. Depending on the type of database you are using (SQL Server or Oracle), enter the following:

  12. Click ok to continue. The Scheduled Task User dialog will appear:


  13. Read the information on the screen. It informs you that the Web installer creates a scheduled task to purge generated PDF content from the Reports directory. The username and password that you enter on this screen must have Delete access to the ReportsPDF application directory. By default, this directory is located at C:\Inetpub\LucityWeb\ReportsPDF.
  14. Click to continue. The Ready window will appear:

    Note: IIS will be restarted during the installation.

    Note: The Virtual Directory creation may take up to 1 minute depending on the speed of the web server. Please wait while this process completes.

    More Information about out Data Collection Policy

  15. Click to begin the installation. This process may take a few minutes.  The following window will appear when the installation is complete:  

    Note: Now that the installation has successfully completed, additional setup will be required to fully utilize the Web application. Please refer to the Lucity Administration for Web apps help guide, "Getting Started" topic to complete this setup. This help guide is part of the Desktop Installation and can be found where the Lucity applications have been installed.

In This Section

Web - Workstation Installation Requirements

Web Server/Arc Server Configuration

See Also

Installation Instructions




Mobile Desktop

Mobile PDA

Mobile Barcode PDA

Desktop/Mobile Desktop - Managed Installs

Citizen Portal

GIS Server Object Extensions for ArcServer 10.1

GIS Server Object Extensions for ArcServer 10.0


Citizen Portal REST API

Mobile Server

Document Server