
The Services install/upgrade should be performed only once at the server where services will reside. Do not install this program on more than one server. We recommend that you close all Windows applications before installing the Services.

General Requirements

Specific Requirements

How To

  1. Open the Lucity install media and run Setup.exe, the following screen will appear:

    PNG Output Template

  2. Select the Services option on the menu. The following window will appear:

  3. Read the Notice screen carefully.
  4. Click to continue.

    Note: The Services require Microsoft's .NET Framework 4.0 and MDAC 2.8 or higher. If you do not currently have these runtime dependencies installed, the install will prompt you to install them now. You'll need to install these dependencies and then restart the installation. After restarting, the Services installation will automatically continue where you left off.

  5. The Welcome window will follow.

  6. Read the Welcome screen carefully.
  7. Click to continue. The Application and Config Directory Locations window will then appear:

  8. Using the button, choose the path to the local application folder in which you want to install the service executables and supporting files.

    Note: These program files must be installed locally on the machine where the work services will be run from (e.g. C:\, D:\). Also, the work services program files should not reside in the same folder as your Desktop install programs, nor should they reside in your shared configuration directory.

  9. Using UNC naming, specify the folder where all your shared configuration files are stored (this folder is usually on the network drive and contains your FldSync.ini and GBALogin.mdb files).

    Note: UNC naming must be used to specify the shared configuration directory, as Windows services do not have access to mapped drives. See the screen above for an example of UNC formatting.

  10. Click to continue. The Configure Service Credentials window will then appear:

  11. Read the Configure Service Credentials screen carefully.
  12. Enter your username, domain name, and password.

    Note: If your server is not running in a domain environment, simply leave the Domain Name field blank.

  13. Click to continue. The Start Installation window will appear.

  14. Click to continue. The Services installation process will begin.

    Note: If you receive the following error during the installation, there is likely a problem with the credentials you specified earlier in the install. Please rerun the installation and provide credentials that have local administrative privileges. These credentials must also have read/write/execute access to the application and configuration directories you specified.

  15. Once the installation is complete, the following window will appear:

  16. Before you exit this install, the following window will appear:

  17. Read the notice screen carefully.  We recommend that you choose to run LucityPostDB.exe at this time.  This procedure allows your field laptops to synchronize with the server.  Click to complete this process.  

    Note:  This is the final step in the Services install/upgrade.

See Also

Installation Instructions



Mobile Desktop

Mobile PDA

Mobile Barcode PDA

Desktop/Mobile Desktop - Managed Installs


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