Mobile PDA

The Mobile PDA Install can occur multiple times at any workstation. Additional installation steps may be required for your individual handheld device. Check your handheld screen for directions.

Important: It is necessary for any clients currently using Mobile PDA to synchronize their data with the Desktop, then remove and re-install Mobile PDA from the PDA prior to the upgrade. You must then complete the Desktop Install prior to the Mobile Work Manager for Handheld Install.  We recommend that you close all Windows applications before running the installation. 

  1. First, make sure that your handheld device has a unique name. You can most likely modify the name by going to Start>>Settings>>System Tab>>About>>Device ID Tab and changing the "Device Name" value on the handheld.
  2. At a workstation with Lucity installed, connect the handheld device to the computer via the USB port.

    If ActiveSync had not been installed, install it now on both the workstation and handheld device per the ActiveSync directions.

  3. Place the Lucity software installation DVD in your computer; the following screen will appear:

    PNG Output Template

  4. Select the Mobile PDA option on the menu.  The following window will appear:

  5. Read the Welcome screen.
  6. Click to continue. The Installation Folder dialog will appear:

  7. Click to continue. The Confirmation dialog will appear:

  8. Click to begin the installation. This process may take a few minutes. You'll see the following progress dialog while the program is being installed:

  9. The program will also install Microsoft .NET 2.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition, and Lucity Mobile PDA. You'll see the following three progress bars as these applications are installed:

  10. As each individual application installation is completed, you'll see the following dialog:

    Note: When this dialog appears, check your handheld device screen to see if any additional steps are needed to complete the installation for each application. Click ok once you are finished.

  11. The following window will appear when the installation is complete:  

  12. Open the Lucity program and select Mobile PDA>>PDA Setup from the main menu. In the PDA Setup module, complete the following:
  13. In the Lucity program, select Mobile PDA>>PDA Synchronize from the main menu. The synchronization process will begin. This process will move Work Orders to your handheld device allowing you to use Mobile PDA.

    We recommend that you first synchronize the handheld device when you connect the handheld to the computer, and synchronize it again before disconnecting and taking the handheld to the field. This will help ensure that your data is up to date.

See Also

Installation Instructions




Mobile Desktop

Mobile Barcode PDA

Desktop/Mobile Desktop - Managed Installs


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