
The Desktop install/upgrade can occur multiple times at any Desktop. Installation instructions may vary slightly depending on which database you are using (SQL Server or Oracle). We recommend that you close all Windows applications before running the Lucity software setup.

General Requirements

How To

  1. Open the Lucity install media and run Setup.exe, the following screen will appear:

    PNG Output Template

  2. Select the Desktop option on the menu.  The following window will appear:


  3. The installer checks for installation and application prerequisites.  If a required item is not found, it will be automatically installed.  

    Note: You may be required to reboot the system before the installation can continue.  If you do have to reboot, rerun the installer after your system has restarted.

  4. When this process is complete, the following window will appear:

  5. Read the Welcome screen.
  6. Click to continue.  The following window will appear:

  7. Choose the type of install method you wish to use.  Unless otherwise instructed by your implementer or a support representative, always use the "Typical" method.
  8. Click to continue.  The window below will appear:

  9. Using the button, select the path where your shared configuration files are located.  This is typically a directory located on a network share.
  10. Within the Options section, decide whether you want to install the WebEx Player (required to view movies within our help system) and add the Lucity Messenger application to your Windows Startup folder.  If you will be using Lucity Messenger in your environment to receive Work Order related alerts, we recommend you add a shortcut to this application to your startup folder so that the application runs every time you start your computer.
  11. Click to continue.  The following window will appear:

  12. Click to continue. The installation process will now begin.  You will see a status bar while the features you selected are installed.  This process may take a few minutes.  The following window will appear when the installation is complete:  

In This Section

Managed Installs

See Also

Installation Instructions



Mobile Desktop

Mobile PDA

Mobile Barcode PDA

Desktop/Mobile Desktop - Managed Installs


Citizen Portal

GIS Server Object Extensions for ArcServer 10.1

GIS Server Object Extensions for ArcServer 10.0


Citizen Portal REST API

Mobile Server

Document Server