Work Request Notifications

Lucity has the ability to generate automated notifications for Requests. These notifications are often based on the Problem noted on the Request record or the Supervisor assigned to oversee the work.

Automated Notifications

Agencies can configure Lucity to automatically send a number of email Notifications at different points in the lifetime of the Request.

Manual Notifications

The system also enables users to manually send Notifications to stakeholders.

Auxiliary Notifications

Auxiliary notifications are sent by other Work Request applications that perform special functions.


Customer Thank You Notification

Customer Completed Notification

Overdue Request Notifications

Problem Notifications

Supervisor Notifications

Requester Notification

Citizen Portal Notifications

Request Feedback Notifications

Customer Thank You Notification

Lucity can be configured to send automated Notifications to 1) thank a customer for making the agency aware of the issue; and 2) provide directions regarding follow-up.

The Customer Thank You Notification is sent to the original Requester when a user saves a new Request.

Note: The Customer Thank You Notification does not apply to Requests submitted through Lucity Web's Citizen Portal. Agencies must configure customer notifications for Citizen Portal separately.

Note: To ensure customer thank you emails are sent to requesters, enable the "System Setting > Email > Generate email on Work Request that is created with a CLOSED status".

How to set up a Customer Thank You Notification

How to trigger a Customer Thank You Notification

How to override a Notification

Sample Customer Thank You Notification Template

Customer Completed Notification

The Request module can be configured to send customers an automated email Notification advising them that the issue they reported has been addressed or resolved.

These emails are sent to all Requesters associated with a Request when the Request is closed.

How to set up a Customer Complete Notification

How to trigger a Customer Complete Notification

How to override a Notification

Example Notification Setup

Overdue Request Notifications

Lucity can be configured to send automated Notifications to alert the Supervisor on a Request that the work is overdue. A Supervisor is assigned to a Request based on its Problem.

The Overdue Request Notification is sent to the designated Supervisor whenever a Work Request with a Problem tagged to generate the Notification remains open after the Follow-Up Date (Request Creation Date + Problem Setup Overdue Days = Request Follow-Up Date).

How to configure an Overdue Request Notification

How to trigger an Overdue Request Notification

How to Override a Notification

Sample Overdue Request Notification

Problem Notifications

A Problem Notification sends a standard message to designated people when a Work Request is created with a particular Problem. An agency can configure a Problem Notification to be sent via email or to generate a printed report.


An agency sets up a Problem Notification to automatically email Wastewater Manager Bill when a Request is created with "Sewer Illicit Discharge Cleanup" as its designated Problem.

In some cases, the same Problem may fall under several Categories on the Request form. (For example, the Problem "Leaky Pipe" might be found under both the "Sewer"Category and the "Landscape Irrigation" Category.) If a Problem Notification is required for only one of these situations, an agency can customize the Notification to apply to a specific Category and Problem.

How to create a Problem Notification

How to trigger a Problem Notification

How to create a Category-specific Problem Notification

How to trigger a Category-specific Problem Notification

Sample Problem Notification template

Supervisor Notifications

Supervisor Notifications alert an employee via email or printed report that he or she has been assigned as the Supervisor on a Work Request.

How to set up a Supervisor Notification

How to trigger a Supervisor Notification

How to override a Notification

Sample Supervisor Notification

Requester Notification

Requester Notifications are emails manually sent to Requesters on a Work Request. The function requires a Notification template; however, a user can choose among multiple templates. For example, an agency might use one template to notify the requester that the Request was canceled. Another template might be used to request more details about the Problem.

Users send Requester Notifications using a toolkit available through the Request record's Requesters grid.

How to create a Requester Notification template

How to trigger a Requester Notification

Sample Notification Template

Citizen Portal Notifications

The Citizen Portal application sends an automated Notification to thank a customer for submitting a request.

Note, however, that the Citizen Portal Notification differs from the Customer Thank You Notification sent using Lucity Web's Work Request module.

More information about Citizen Portal

Request Feedback Notifications

Lucity Web includes a Request Feedback application that agencies can use to solicit customers' opinions about the service the agency provided. The feedback request is delivered to requesters via email with a link to an online survey.

How to setup a Feedback Survey Notification

How to trigger a Feedback Survey Notification

More information about the Request Feedback application