Problem Setup Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields



Serves as the user-defined, unique ID for the issue prompting the work.

Warning: Changes made to existing Problem Codes or Text descriptions will only affect future Work Order records; the system will not update historical records. Also, once changes are made to these fields, the original Problem Codes or Text descriptions are no longer available for filtering purposes.

Problem Text*

Briefly describes the issue prompting the work.

Problem Rec #

Indicates the unique, system-generated ID for the Problem Setup record.

Problem Status

Describes the problem's current condition (e.g., inactive or active) using a user-defined code-description field.

* Required.
* Must be unique.

Problem Classification Fields

Problem Classification fields control when and how a particular Problem record is used throughout the Work program.

Active Problem

Indicates whether this issue is currently an option for users to select as a Work Problem.

WO Enable

Indicates whether this Problem should appear as an option in the Work Order module.

PM Enable

Indicates whether this Problem should appear as an option in the PM/Template module.

Req Enable

Indicates whether this Problem should appear as an option in the Request module.

311 Problem

Indicates whether this Problem is one of the options available in an integrated 311 application.

Note: Specifically used by the RESTAPI using the 311ONLY query parameter.

Problem Default Fields

Problem Default fields tell the system what information it should automatically apply to a Request, Work Order, or PM/Template when a user selects a particular Problem. Users may change these values on the Request, Work Order, or PM/Template form if they do not wish to apply the default value.

Default Task

Assigns a default work activity for this Problem.

The options include records from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Task Setup module.

  • Automatically applied as the Work Order Main Task when the Problem is used as the Work Order Problem.


Indicates the work classification that is applied to this Problem by default when Work Requests are generated by integrated, third-party 311 applications.

The options include records from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Category Setup module.

Note: This Category field, which appears on the Problem Setup record form, functions apart from and has a different purpose than the Problem Setup record's Categories grid.

More information about Category fields




Indicates the organizational group that, by default, is responsible for addressing the Problem.

  • Automatically applied to the corresponding Work Order field when the Problem is used as the Work Order Problem.


Indicates the employee who, by default, has responsibility for addressing the Problem.

The options include employees from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module who have the Supervisor field marked.

  • Automatically applied as the Work Order Supervisor field when the Problem is used as the Work Order Problem.


Indicates the default level of importance for this Problem.

  • Automatically applied as the Work Order Priority field when the Problem is used as the Work Order Problem.

Auto Create WO

Directs the system to automatically generate a new Work Order when a user creates a Work Request with this Problem.

Note: In order to enable this feature, a Problem Setup record must also list a default Category. (Category is a required field on a Work Order; therefore, the system cannot auto-create a Work Order without a Category being assigned to the Problem.)

Notification Fields

Agencies can configure Problem Setup records to trigger several types of email notifications when a user selects a particular Problem on a Request. The following Notification fields on the Problem Setup form are used to designated which Notification templates the system sends.

Customer Thank You Box

Directs the system to send the Customer Thank You Notification to the Requester(s) when this Problem is listed on a Request.

More information about Customer Thank You Notifications

Customer Completed

Directs the system to send the Customer Completed Notification to the Requester(s) when the Status of a Request or Work Order with this Problem is marked as "Completed."

More information about Customer Complete Notifications

Feedback Survey

Directs the system to send a Feedback Survey to the Requester(s) when a Request that lists this Problem is marked as "Completed."

More information about Feedback Surveys

Overdue Days

Specifies the number of days from the Request's Creation Date at which a Request for this Problem should be considered overdue.

  • Used to calculate the Request > Follow-up Date.
  • When a Request remains open past its calculated Follow-up Date, it is considered overdue, which triggers the system to send the Work Request Supervisor an Overdue Request Notification.

More information about Request Overdue notifications

Overdue Notification


Specifies which email Notification template the system should send to the Supervisor when a Request for this Problem is overdue.

More information about Overdue Request notifications

Knowledge Base Info

Knowledge Base Info

Stores information that would be useful to share with a customer who reports this Problem.

Later, when a Lucity user selects this Problem on a Request and saves it, a pop-up displays the Knowledge Base information supplied here.

More information about the Work Request Knowledge Base.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.