
The following options controls how various parts of the Work Request module works.


Address Block Range

Enables an administrator to set a numerical value indicating how many address numbers are in a block.  This feature works with:

Always Refresh Request after Creating a Work Order

Only Applies to Desktop

Causes the work request record to refresh when a work order is created from a request. This causes the request to show the most recent information.

Auto Update Request Status when WO Complete

Updates the Status in the Request module to Completed, On hold, or Canceled when all Work Orders associated with the request are listed as Completed, On hold, or Canceled.

More information about Request/Work Order Status

Automatically Search for Existing Request

Only Applies to Desktop

Automatically searches for existing Requests without the user pressing F7.

Note: The Special F7 Lookup Functionality must be enabled for this option to operate correctly.

Automatically fill Home Phone# from Phone#

Copies data from the Phone Number field to the Home Phone Number field.

More information about Request > Customer Fields

Date Range

Enables an administrator to set a numerical value indicating the date range. This option works in conjunction with the Find Duplicate Request by Date Range option.

More information about Request Lookups

Disable Request overdue notifications

Prevents distribution of all Overdue Request notifications.

Disable Street Validation for Citizen Requests


Allows Citizens using the Lucity Citizen Portal to enter street names that are not part of the Street Name List into the Loc Street Name field. This simplifies entering street names for customers.

Note: If a Work Order is created from a Request with an invalid street name, the address will be moved to the General Location field of the Work Order.


Find Duplicate Request by Address Block?

When enabled and a user uses the Search for Duplicate Request tool by the request's Loc Street Name field the system searches for potential duplicate Request records by finding requests that have a the same Loc Street Name and a similar Loc Address.

Find Duplicate Request by Category Codes?

When enabled and a user uses the Search for Duplicate Request tool by the request's Loc Street Name field the system searches for potential duplicate Request records by finding requests that have a the same Category.

More information about Request Lookups

Find Duplicate Request by Date Range?

When enabled and a user uses the Search for Duplicate Request tool by the request's Loc Street Name field the system searches for potential duplicate Request records by finding requests that have a Recorded Date that falls within a date range of the current date. The date range is the Current Date - # entered in the Date Range option.

  • The number of days for the system to look back must be set in the Date Range option.
  • Example: If the current date is 5/4/18 and the date range is set to 7, then the search will pick up all Requests with a Recorded Date <= (today's date - 7).
  • More information about Request Lookups

Find Duplicate Request by Problem Code?

When enabled and a user uses the Search for Duplicate Request tool by the request's Loc Street Name field the system searches for potential duplicate Request records by finding requests that have a the same Problem.

More information about Request Lookups

Look for Requests by Request Phone ONLY

Only Applies to Desktop

Searches for duplicate requests using only the Request Phone Number. This option helps prevent duplicate prompts during data entry.

Notification Completed

Specifies which notification template is used to send the Customer Complete notification. This notification is sent out when a request's status is changed to Closed (Status > 950) and saved. The email is sent to the customer Email address on the request record.

More information about Customer Complete notifications

Require Building Number for Updating or Adding Customer Address

Requires the user to complete the Building Number portion of the Address field when creating a Request that generates a new record (or updates an existing record) in the Customer Address module.

  • Requires the Update Customers from Requests work option to be enabled.

More information about updating customers information from requests

Search for Customers by Account?

Causes the system to automatically search the Address module's Account # grid for records that match the entered Util Acct #. The related customer and address results are used to complete fields on the Work Order Request module's Requester fields. This feature helps speed data entry.  

When disabled:

  • The system will not automatically fill out requester information based on the Util Acct # field.
  • Users can still manually search using the Customer Lookup and Request Lookup functions on the request's Util Acct # field.

More information about searching for customers

Search for Customers by Contact?


Causes the system to automatically search the Customer module for records matching the entered Name and Name 2. The customer and address results are used to complete fields on the Work Order Request module's Requester fields. This feature helps speed data entry.  

When disabled:

  • The system will not automatically fill out requester information based on the Name/Name 2.
  • Users can still manually search using the Customer Lookup and Request Lookup functions on the request's Name 2 field.

More information about searching for customers

Search for Customers by Parcel Number


Causes the system to automatically search the Address module's Parcels grid for matching parcel numbers. The related customer and address results are used to complete fields on the Work Order Request module's Requester fields. This feature helps speed data entry.  

When disabled:

  • The system will not automatically fill out requester information based on the Req Parcel Number field.
  • Users can still manually search using the Customer Lookup and Request Lookup functions on the request's Req Parcel Number field.

More information about searching for customers

Search for Customers by Phone Number?

  • Causes the system to automatically search the Customer module for matching phone numbers. The customer and address results are used to complete fields on the Work Order Request module's Requester fields. This feature helps speed data entry.  

When disabled:

  • The system will not automatically fill out requester information based on the Phone #.
  • The system will not collect customer data from the Customer module.
  • Users can still manually search using the Customer Lookup and Request Lookup functions on the request's Phone # field.

More information about searching for customers

Special F7 Lookup Functionality

Only Applies to Desktop

Enables the user to search for existing Requests that fall within a set of address criteria. Users press the F7 key within the Location Address field to launch the tool. When this option is disabled, the system only searches for requests at the given address.

Thank you Notification

Specifies which notification template is used to send the Customer Thank You notification. This notification is sent when a request record is created and saved. The email is sent to the customer Email address listed on the request record.

More information about the Customer Thank You notification

Update Customers from Requests

Prompts the user to update the Customer Contact and Address modules if the Requester name and address data entered in a new WO Request does not match any existing records.

  • If the user responds Yes to the prompt, the system automatically adds a new record to (or updates an existing record in) the customer database using data from the Request form.
  • This only adds an address for records where the full street name is in the Street List.
  • The Req Address is necessary for this to work if the Require Building Number for Updating or Adding Customer Address option is enabled.
  • This option does not apply if the Eden Customer Database Integration option is enabled.

More information about updating customers information from requests

Use Category Level Security

Enables administrators to control which types of Requests each employee can add or edit based on the Category set on the Request.

Example: A sewer employee can only edit requests that have a Sewer related category.

More information about Category Level Security

Use Combined Contact Address Lookup in Web Requests

Causes the Customer Lookup to automatically pop-up if there is more than one customer with the same name.

More information about searching for customers


Integration of Eden Customer Database

Enable this to allow users to search through the Eden Customer database when adding Work Requests.

Search Parcel Owners (In Addition to Customers)

Only Applies to Desktop

Enable this to allow users to search through the Eden Parcel owner database in addition to the Customer database when adding Work Requests.

More information about the Eden Integration


Category Change

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Category field.

Department Change

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Department field.

Division Change

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Division field.

Follow Up Date Change

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Follow Up Date field.

Priority Change

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Priority field.

Problem Change

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Problem field.

Status Tracking

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Status field.

Supervisor Change

Enable to track changes to the Work Request > Supervisor field.