
Multiple customers may report the same issue. An agency may want to record all of these customers as Requesters as a way to provide good customer service and keep them up-to-date on the resolution of the problem.

Therefore, Lucity allows a single Request record to have more than one Requester. The user records the initial requester's information in the Customer fields on the Request form, and the system uses that data to automatically create a record in the Requester grid. The user adds other customers who report the same problem to the Request by creating records directly in the Requester grid.


Requester Fields

The Customer fields on the Work Request form are used to identify the person making the request and gather related contact information. The values the user enters here can be used to look up existing Customer Contact or Request data in Lucity. The data entered here appear as that of the first Requester listed in the related Requesters grid.

Name (2)

Identifies the person making the request. The information the user enters in these fields can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.


Identifies the name of the company, if any, that the customer represents.

Phone #



Stores the customer's phone number. The Phone # can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

Note: Users must enter all phone numbers in a standard format for the search functions to work properly.

Home Phone #
Work Phone #
Phone 1
Phone 2

Identifies any alternative phone numbers for the customer.

Note: The system populates the Home Phone # field with the Phone # value if the Automatically fill Home Phone # from Phone # option is enabled on the Requests tab in Work Options.

  • > Populate with Phone Number - Copies the value in the Phone # field into the selected field.


Specifies the customer's email address. This value can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

The email address is critical for sending Customer Thank You, Customer Complete, Citizen Portal, and Feedback notifications.

Req Parcel Number

Specifies the tract of land associated with the request. This value can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

  • > Customer Lookup - Searches the Parcel module for a customer based on the parcel of land associated with him/her. Learn more.
  • > Request Lookup - Searches for other Requests with the same Parcel Number. Learn more.

Req Address
Req Street Name

Identifies the customer's street address. This information can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

  • > Customer Lookup - Searches the Customer Address module for the person based on his/her street address. Learn more.
  • > Request Lookup - Searches for other Requests with the same Req Address. Learn more.

Req City
Req State
Req Zip Code
Req Country

Identify additional address data for the customer.

Req Address 2
Req Street Name 2

Used to specify a secondary street address for the customer.

Util Acct #




Specifies an account number tied to the customer address. This information can be used to find related Customer and Request data in Lucity and quickly auto-complete remaining Customer fields.

  • > Customer Lookup - Searches the Accounts module for the customer associated with the given address. Learn more.
  • > Request Lookup - Searches for other Requests with the same Util Acct #. Learn more.

    Note: Some of these fields are automatically filled out with the currently logged in employee's information if the Use Information From Employee option is enabled on the form in the Form Designer.

Requester-Related Fields

Send to WO Billing

Directs the system to copy customer data to the Work Order's Billing fields when a Work Order is created from the Request.

No of Requests

Displays the number of records found in the Requesters grid. This is an easy way to see which Requests have the most demand.


Requester Grid

The Requester grid lists all of the customers/requesters associated with this Request. The initial requester's information appears as the first record in the grid.

folder Using Grids >> Add new record Grid Tools>> Android Screenshot Editable Grids>> Web_edit Using Forms >>


How to add an additional Requester to the Request


Requester Grid Record Fields

The following fields appear in the Requester form and grid, which document other customers reporting the same issue.

Caller No

Indicates the order in which the customer was added to the Request.

Name *
Name (2)

Identifies the person making the request.


Identifies the name of the company, if any, the customer represents.

Phone # *

Stores the customer's phone number.

Home Phone #
Work Phone #
Phone 1
Phone 2

Identifies any alternative phone numbers for the customer.

Email *

Specifies the customer's email address.

This email address is used to send Customer thank you, Customer Complete, Citizen Portal, Requester, and Feedback notifications.

Req Parcel Number

Specifies the tract of land associated with the request.

Req Address
Req Street Name *

Indicate the customer's street address.

Req City
Req State
Req Zip

Identify additional address data for the customer.

Req Address 2
Req Street Name 2

Provides a secondary street address for the customer, if any.

* At least one of these fields must be completed to save the record.

In This Section
