
The Email settings are used to configure the content, recipients and behavior of automatic messages generated by the Lucity system. Connection to email servers is configured in The Email Setup section of the Admin Portal.



security Permissions

Button text for send email button *

Controls the text that appears on the Send Email button on the Citizen Portal form.

App Admin

Footer line in email ****

Controls the footer that is included on all emails sent by the system.

App Admin

From Email Address

Sets the default email address that is listed as the sender on most email notifications.

App Admin

Generate email on Work Request that is created with a CLOSED status

Generates a "Thank You" email to the customer Requester of a Work Request that is created with a CLOSED status (>= 950).

  • Note: When TRUE, Work Request must also have other criteria present in order to generate email (problem code filled in "Active" and problem code "thank you" flag checked).

App Admin

Header line in email ****

Controls the header that is included on all emails sent by the system.

App Admin

Include a hyperlink to the web application in emails sent from the desktop software *

Adds a hyperlink back to the related Lucity Web Work Order/Request to any email notifications generated by Lucity Desktop.

App Admin

Include Client name on the subject of every email

Adds the name of the Lucity client to the subject line of every email except those generated by the Citizen Portal. This feature enables administrators to easily determine whether a message originates from a test or production system.

App Admin

List of email addresses for system health notifications

Controls which email addresses receive various system-health emails, including:

  • daily messages that indicate whether the nightly processes succeeded;
  • the weekly email that identifies documents on the document server that are not attached to a Lucity record;
  • alerts indicating that admin permissions (Lucity App Admin, Lucity IT Admin, or Security Admin) have been granted, revoked, or denied; and
  • alerts indicating that parts reconciliations errors exist (which should be reported to Lucity Support).
  • alerts indicating that a log table in the database has more than 10 million records. (ex CMGISTASKSLOG) Records in the indicated table can be deleted.

Enter a comma-delimited list of email addresses.

IT Admin

Maximum size for email document in mb

Limits the size of documents that can be attached to an email in Lucity. Requires a restart of the affected application to take effect.

IT Admin

Reprocess Email Timeout

Default 10 min

Time in minutes to reset emails pending emails to be processed again. This helps to capture and send emails that failed to send due to the services failing.

IT Admin

Request Generator adds a link to the request in the response email *

The Request Generator adds a link to the request in the reponse email.

App Admin

Request Generator allows attachments *

Controls whether requesters can use attachments to the message they send. If this option is enabled, the attachments are added to the original Request's document list. A maximum of 10 attachments are allowed, and attachments are only added to the request if it meets the size limitations for uploads.

App Admin

Request Generator allows replies to response email *

Controls whether requesters can respond to the automatic message they receive in reply to their original Request.

If this option is enabled, the responses are added to the original Request. If this option is disabled, responses generate new Requests.

App Admin

Request Generator reply email body *

Establishes the body of the email that is automatically sent to requesters when they update a Request by replying to the original email.

App Admin

Request Generator reply email subject *

Controls the subject of the email automatically sent to requesters when they update a Request by replying to the original email.

App Admin

Request Generator reply to be sent when Request not found *

Outlines the automatic response sent to customers who send an email in reference to a Request that doesn't exist.

App Admin

Request Generator response email subject *

Controls the subject of the email that is automatically sent to requesters when they send an email that generates a new Request.

App Admin

Request Generator response email text *

Establishes the body of the email automatically sent to requesters when they send an email that generates a new Request.

App Admin

Send daily email when nightly services processes finish

Sends an email when the nightly processes complete to all users identified in the List of email addresses for system health notifications setting. If these users do not receive an email, the processes most likely failed.

App Admin

Text to include above the hyperlink in the email *

Specifies the text that should appear in the line above the hyperlink. (Tied to the "Include a hyperlink...." option.)

App Admin

The first line of the body of the email sent to citizens *

Adds a line of text to the beginning of all automated client emails.

App Admin

The last line of the body of the email sent to citizens *

Adds a line of text to the end of all automated client emails.

App Admin

* Applies to Lucity Desktop and Web.

* Applies to Lucity REST API, Lucity Mobile Server.

* Applies to Citizen Portal.

* Applies to the Email to Request Generator.

Note: Changes made to Lucity's email settings do not require a server restart.