Change Security Password

To change the security password, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Security>>Change Security Password from the menu at the top of the program. The following window will appear:

    change security password

  2. Type the old password in the first field.
  3. Next, type the new password twice to confirm. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and may contain letters, numbers, spaces, and other special characters. Click OK.

    Note: This password is encrypted; users will be responsible for keeping track of their own passwords.

  4. We encourage administrators to set permission that limit access to the directory where the encrypted password file is stored. This directory is named "Security" and is located under the same parent directory as your shared Config folder (e.g. M:\Apps\Lucity\Security). We recommend the following permissions by role:

See Also

Security for Access Users

Getting Started

Adding New Users

Deleting a User

Creating New Groups

Assigning Users to Groups

Assigning Individual Permissions

Resetting Passwords

Exiting Security