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Quick Browse

To the right of the Browse button there will see a downward arrow indicating a drop-down menu.  This menu provides access to the Quick Browse feature.  The Quick Browse feature allows users to view saved browse reports from within the module.  A sample menu appears below:

Quick Browse

The drop-down menu will include a list of all global browses and all browses saved by the user (based on their login).  Users can display a browse report by clicking on a browse name.  To access the main browse screen, click the Browse option.

Note: Users will not be able to access the Quick Browse function if no browses have been saved.  In this situation, the drop-down menu will look like this:

No Quick Browse

Note: If Browse has been saved but don't see it in the list, close and reopen the module. It should now appear.

See Also


Creating a Browse

Modifying a Browse

Saving a Browse

Global Browse

Viewing a Browse

Using the Browse Toolbar

Headers and Footers

Page Setup

Printing a Browse Result

Exporting a Browse

Closing a Browse

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