Object Locking

This feature ensures that if an administrator is working on a particular form, grid, or menu, it is locked for editing by the system. This disallows any other users from making changes until the item is unlocked or saved.



Interval to Wait Between Lock Attempts in Seconds (recommended value = 0.2)

Enter the interval to wait between lock attempts in seconds

Lock Expiration in Minutes (recommended value = 180)

Enter the lock expiration in minutes. This is the amount of time the object will be locked for editing by the system, unless the object is saved. By default, objects are locked for 180 minutes (3 hours).

Maximum # of Attempts to Lock an Object (recommended value = 10)

Enter the maximum number of attempts to lock an object.

To make changes to object locking settings, click in one of the Value fields and begin typing. Click Save when complete.

Example: when a user clicks on the "Start Edit" button in Menus, the program will attempt to lock the records. If it cannot do so (because someone else has it locked), it will wait 0.2 seconds (as configured in the Interval below) and then try again. If that fails, it will wait another 0.2 seconds and try again. It will try a total of 10 times (or as otherwise specified).

Note: If a user obtained a lock on an object and did not close the program correctly (due to a power outage, network problem, etc.), then the lock should clear on its own at the end of the expiration period. Failing that, the administrator can clear object locks in the Object Lock Manager.
Note: Locks are not used in the Web Applications, only in the Lucity Administration Tools.

See Also



Designer Automation




GIS 3rd Party Integrations

GIS Desktop

GIS Edit Integration

GIS Routing



Rest API

Settings with Custom Interface


Web Performance

