Web Performance

This feature allows users to adjust system settings for better web performance.



Enable Column Resize for grid pages with less than this number of rows

Enter a number. For grids that are showing more records than this number users will be blocked from resizing the columns.

Note: Allowing a grid to show more records increases load time and resize time. This tool takes strain off the system by blocking the resize functionality when there are too many records in a grid

Favor configuration over performance for business rules

When changes are made to field properties in the desktop, such as mask, required, editable, IIS must be reset in order for those changes to be pushed into Lucity web. Enabling this rule allows these changes to be pushed into Lucity Web by clearing the web cache. However, this may cause a significant drop in performance (15-20%).

Persist changes to page size in ListView

Enabling this allows users to save their current page size as a personal customization. This does NOT apply to WebCitizen.

The number of minutes until a dashboard report should be refreshed

Enter the number of minutes between dashboard report refreshes. The default value is 240 minutes. Reports shown on the dashboard are not updated every time the user updates the page. Instead, as long as the report is less than (240 minutes) old, the originally created report will be shown. This saves 5 to 10 seconds of response time. Users can change the length of time a report will be help by the server before it is updated.

Note: An option is available on the Dashboard page below the PDF reports to refresh a report immediately on demand.

Click in a Value field to edit the default data. Click Save when complete.

See Also



Designer Automation




GIS 3rd Party Integrations

GIS Desktop

GIS Edit Integration

GIS Routing



Object Locking

Rest API

Settings with Custom Interface


