
This tab controls how the document upload works for Lucity Web, Mobile, and Web Citizen.



Error to Display if a file upload fails in the Citizen app *

Enter text in this field to modify the error message displayed when a document fails to upload.

List of document types that are allowed to be added to records **

A comma delimited list of file extensions that are permitted to be attached to records in the web.

List of document types that are allowed to be uploaded by citizens *

A comma delimited list of file extensions that are permitted to be attached to records in web citizen. No other files will be accepted from web citizen.

List of document types that are not allowed to be added to records **

A comma delimited list of file extensions that are blocked from being attached to records in the web.

Maximum size for uploaded document in mb (Citizen) *

Limits the size of documents that can be attached to a Web Citizen request.

Maximum size for uploaded document in mb (Internal) **

Limits the size of document that can be attached to a record in Lucity Web or using the REST API.

Path where uploaded documents are stored (Citizen) *

Enter a network path for where the documents from web citizen will be stored.

Path where uploaded documents are stored (Internal) **

Enter a network path for where the documents from Lucity Web and Mobile will be stored.

URL to Document Server ***

This is the url for the Lucity Document Server application. This application is installed with the Lucity Web, Web Citizen

* Applies to Lucity Web

* Applies to Lucity REST API, Lucity Mobile Server

* Applies to Web Citizen

Click in one of the Value fields and begin typing. Click Save when complete.

See Also



Designer Automation



GIS 3rd Party Integrations

GIS Desktop

GIS Edit Integration

GIS Routing



Object Locking

Rest API

Settings with Custom Interface


Web Performance

