GIS Edit Integration

This feature allows administrators to set various GIS system settings.



GIS/Lucity Edit Integration - Allow unversioned geodatabase edits to enterprise geodatabase:

This allows edits to be made to unversioned geodatabases.

GIS/Lucity Edit Integration - Disable all updates to the geodatabase from Lucity

This prevents the geodatabase from being updated with edits made in Lucity desktop and web

GIS/Lucity Edit Integration - Make fields shared with the geodatabase always read only

Any field that is shared with the geodatabase will be set as read-only in Lucity desktop and web

GIS/Lucity Edit Integration - Make Lucity fields integrated with the geodatabase read only if the geodatabase cannot be updated

If a connection to the geodatabase fails when loading a form, all fields integrated with the geodatabase will be read-only

* GIS/Lucity Edit Integration- Prevent saving Lucity record if GIS update fails

If a modification is made to a record in Lucity and the geodatabase fails to get updated this will prevent the record in Lucity from being saved

List of emails for notifications regarding failures to update the GIS database

Enter a comma delimited list of email addresses. This list will receive emails when the Lucity Data Update SOE fails to update the geodatabase.

Send an email if no feature is found in GIS to update

Sends an email when the Lucity Data Update SOE cannot find a feature in the geodatabase to update. This is sent to the list specified in the "List of emails for notifications regarding failures...." setting.

* Affects or related only to the Web.

To make changes to the GIS settings, click in one of the Value fields and begin typing. Click Save when complete.

See Also



Designer Automation




GIS 3rd Party Integrations

GIS Desktop

GIS Routing



Object Locking

Rest API

Settings with Custom Interface


Web Performance

