
Use this tab to configure email settings for the web and desktop applications.



Button text for send email button

Controls the text that appears on the Send Email button on the Web Citizen form.

Days to keep data in email error log table

Email notifications are stored in a table in the User database. This field specifies how long a record of that email is stored in that table.

Disable the Centralized Email Server

This should normally be set to False. If it is set to true NO email notifications will be sent.

From Email Address

This sets the default email address that will be listed as the sender on most email notifications.

How often to process the email cache (in minutes)

This option controls how often the email service checks the table for new emails, and sends any unsent emails.

Note: It is not recommended that this option be set to anything less than 5 minutes.

Include a hyperlink to the web application in emails sent from the desktop software

True or False field. Automatically includes a hyperlink from an email notification for Work Orders/Requests back to that Work Order/Request in Lucity Web.

Instruction label for additional emails

Controls the text that appears on the Additional Emails section of the Web Citizen form.

List of email addresses for system health notifications

Enter a comma delimited list of email addresses. This list of addresses will receive an email, generated when the nightly processes complete.

Parts Reorder Notification Recipient List

Enter a comma delimited list of email addresses. This list of addresses will receive an email, generated by a nightly processes, about parts that need to be reordered.

Send daily email when nightly services processes finish

If this is marked to true all users in the List of email address for system health notifications setting will receive an email every time the nightly processes complete. If they do not receive the email it means the processes most likely failed.

SMTP Server

The agencies SMTP Server

Text to include above the hyperlink in the email

Tied to the "Include a hyperlink...." option. Add test to be included in the line above the hyperlink

The first line of the body of the email sent to citizens

Add a line to text to be added to all automated client emails by default

The last line of the body of the email sent to citizens

Add a line to text to be added to all automated client emails by default

To make changes to the email settings, click in one of the Value fields and begin typing. Click Save when complete.

Note: In addition to customizing the text of the citizen request email, you can also customize the email format of the citizen request email.

Note: Changes made in the email settings do not require the server to be restarted.

See Also



Designer Automation



GIS 3rd Party Integrations

GIS Desktop

GIS Edit Integration

GIS Routing



Object Locking

Rest API

Settings with Custom Interface


Web Performance

