
This feature allows users to select the theme or look for your web page. You'll also indicate the web pages where the forms are routed to and the login ID.



Add new addresses from Citizen Web App to Customers if the Work Option "Update Customers from Requests?" is Yes

If the "Update Customers from Requests?" work option found in the Lucity Desktop is set to yes, and this field is set to TRUE when citizens enter requests through the Citizen Web App, the system will check the Citizen Name and Address, if there isn't a match in the database, the Customer and/or address records will be updated in the Customer and Customer Address modules.

Allow advanced searches on Citizen Website

By default set to FALSE. When TRUE the RequestList.aspx page will function, allowing the particular web page to be deployed to all clients. Note: The Request List file is used to look up the status of a request submitted from the citizen website. By default, the request lookup allows users to enter the request number and email address and search for matching requests. This RequestList allows users to search for requests by email, phone number, or request number. It is intended to be used by clients that use the Citizen Web for their internal departments. It is not intended to be used by public citizens, even though it is part of the Web Citizen installation.

Citizen Checkbox label for copying requesters address

Enter a caption to be displayed next to the checkbox on Request Forms

Citizen Checkbox label for remembering requesters information

Enter a caption to be displayed next to the checkbox on Request Forms

Citizen Email - Include link to request lookup

Enabling this option includes a link to the TEXT version of the email that is sent to requesters after they enter a request in Web Citizen.

Citizen Request Lookup Page

The name of the page that displays information about a specific request to the citizen that submitted the request. The default value, RequestLookup.aspx includes comments. The alternative value is RequestLookupNoComments.aspx to exclude comments from the page

Citizen Thank You page - Caption of button

This is the caption on the button displayed on the Thank You page. The default value is "Add Another."

Citizen Thank You page - URL button redirects to

This controls the behavior of the button on the Thank You Page, and accepts three different types of values.

  • If left empty, when a citizen clicks on the button it will take them back to the request submittal page.
  • If a URL is provided such as, clicking on the button will take the citizen to the URL provided.
  • If the word CLOSE is entered, clicking on the button will close the browser window.*

Comma delimited list of servers running WebCitizen

This should include the URL to the Citizens Web App like If there is more than one web server for the citizen web app, enter each URL separated by commas

Comma Delimited list of the IP Addresses for servers in server farm

When employing a server farm, use the field provided to include a comma delimited list of the IP addresses. This list is only used by the Internal WebSite CacheManager to allow users to clear the cache on each of the web servers

Disable browser caching of xap files

Enabling this option forces the machines running Lucity Web to download all of the .xap files from the server every time they login instead of relying on locally cached copies. This is only intended to be set to TRUE for clients unable to run the dashboard using Windows Authentication.  Setting it to true will resolve that problem, but will also result is slightly slower performance.  Contact Lucity if you think you need to set the value to TRUE.

Flag that denotes if SSL is Being used for ChangePassword feature

Mark this as true if the Change Password tool in the web uses SSL.

Internal Website

The paths for the internal websites should almost never be changed. ONLY edit these fields if there are multiple web servers and one needs to be designated to support the Lucity Administration for Web Apps Previews

Internal Website Launcher Page

The paths for the internal websites should almost never be changed. ONLY edit these fields if there are multiple web servers and one needs to be designated to support the Lucity Administration for Web Apps Previews

Login ID used for Citizen Website

The Lucity Login ID for the Citizen Website will be created during the installation process. The default ID will be "PublicWebUser"; however, this Login Id can be edited if needed. The specified citizen Login Id needs to belong to the PublicWebGroup in Lucity Security. This group will have run and add permissions to use the public forms (Run - Work, Run - Work Requests, General Add - Work Requests, and Run - General Modules)). Additional users will need to be added to this group in order to access the public web forms. In addition, this Login Id is used for tracking purposes in the desktop version of Lucity.

URL for Lucity Custom Web Integrations

This is filled out by customers who have purchased a custom integration for customer lookups. The information for this is provided by Lucity during the implementation of the custom product.

Use a custom customer lookup for requests

This is related to the previous setting. It toggles between whether the customer lookup tools use the built in Lucity functionality or a custom tool.

Website Theme

This refers to the look of the web page. "Default" is the standard Lucity setting

Windows Authentication Website

This refers to a launcher page that will try to log the person currently logged into the computer into Lucity. The paths for the internal websites should almost never be changed.

To make changes to the web site settings, place your cursor in one of the Value fields and begin typing. Click Save after completing all edits.

* "CLOSE will probably cause the browser to display a message stating "The user is attempting to close the browser, do you want to let them continue?" If you set the System setting to "CLOSE", we recommend that you also use a bit of javascript to open the citizen request form in a separate window. For example, the URL could look like the following to open the submittal form:

<a href="http://localhost:2296/Default.aspx?FUI=CleanGraffiti" target="_blank" onclick="'http://localhost:2296/Default.aspx?FUI=CleanGraffiti','_blank','left=0,top=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no, status=yes'); return false;">Click here to submit a graffiti cleaning request.</a>

If the javascript is used and the SystemSetting is set to "CLOSE", the Request Submittal window will close returning the user back to your site.

See Also



Designer Automation




GIS 3rd Party Integrations

GIS Desktop

GIS Edit Integration

GIS Routing



Object Locking

Rest API

Settings with Custom Interface


Web Performance
