This tab contains settings that affect how the Lucity Webmap operates.



Automatically save redlining edits

Causes all changes made using the redlining tools to be automatically saved.

Comma separated criteria to use for a where clause if parcel layer is to be queried. Keywords are {BUILDING},{STREETNAME},{STREETNAME2},{ZIP}

This is a template that the app can use when querying a parcel layer for information. This template should specify actual field names.

Example: This says the Building number is stored in the feature class in a field called ADDRESS and the Street name is stored in a field called STRNAME.


There are four available Keywords





Default Base Map Name

Enter the name of the Map Service that should be the default base map. This name comes from the Name column of the GIS > Map Services screen. The Map Service referenced here must be marked as a base map.

Force the GIS Web Map to always open to the default extent

The webmap will not save the extent when it closes. Instead it will automatically open to the default every time it is opened.

Operational Data Spatial Reference WKID

The WKID is the "Well Known Spatial ID" for the operational data layer in the webmap. This spatial reference will be used by Lucity to record xy coordinates and any other spatial data.

Schema name where the LiveData geodatabase repository is loaded

Indicate the schema name where the LiveData geodatabase repository is located and the fully qualified class name or integrated map control. If you're using ArcSDE, this field must identify the login assigned to the schema name. For personal geodatabases, this field should remain blank.

Separator to use for Geocoding Intersections

This setting allows agencies to specify which character their geocoding service uses as a separator character. By default this field is set to the | character.

Street Address Geocoding Field

Which field name the geocoder is based on.

URL for Geocoding Service or URL to parcel layer in map service

The URL for the geocoding or parcel services for finding addresses. To switch between the two check the setting "Use an address layer for ..."

Note: REST/ must precede the word service in the url.

Note: If using a parcel service be sure to enter the url for the map service and add the layer number to the end. So if the parcel layer is the 10th layer in the service the end of the url will look something like

URL for Geometry Service

This is an ArcGIS Geometry service which is used for geometry operations in the map such as buffering and reprojection of coordinates. This is required for the webmap.

Use an address layer for address queries instead of geocoding service

Allows users to use a parcel layer instead of a geocoding layer.

Use GIS Viewer instead of GIS Web for Show in Map

Forces the Web show in map to launch the Lucity GIS Viewer, instead of the Lucity Web Map.

To make changes to the GIS settings, click in one of the Value fields and begin typing. Click Save when complete.

See Also



Designer Automation




GIS 3rd Party Integrations

GIS Desktop

GIS Edit Integration

GIS Routing


Object Locking

Rest API

Settings with Custom Interface


Web Performance

