Customizing the Citizen Request Email

Web Citizen automatically sends a pre-formatted email to citizens to thank them for their request. Lucity provides a file (citizenmail.html) that is the template the email sent to requesters. This email summarizes the content of the request, thanks the customer for their submission, and includes a link to view the status of the request. While the email is pre-formatted, it can be customized if desired. The citizenmail.html file renders as below:


How To Alter the citizenmail.html

  1. To alter this html file, enter the following four phrases, exactly as they appear below (these phrases are identified in red in the image below):





  2. Place these four phrases in any order, at any location in the html file. The Lucity code will then substitute those phrases as it generates the email with the following data:

Email Customize

Note: Lucity also sends a text version of the email that is not as customizable. The only way that it can be customized is to remove the link to 'view the status of your request'. This is controlled by an option in the Lucity Administration Tools System > Settings > Web Site tab, Citizen Email - Include link to request lookup option.

See Also

How To: Setup Web Citizen


Create Request Forms

Making the Forms Accessible

Updating Customer Database from Requests

Document Upload Setup

Customizing the Lucity Web Citizen Page

Customizing the Citizen Thank You page