Data Table

Data table

The Data table allows users to see information about and interact with features that are currently selected or work order and request locations that are plotted. This table is opened automatically when either the Selection tool or Show Work Locations tools are used.

Web Map_selection example

Table Display Controls

To the top right of the table are two buttons that control the tables appearance.


Click this button to expand the table and show more records

table close

Click this button to close the table. This does not clear the current selection.




At the top of the grid there is a row of tabs. Each tab corresponds to a feature classes that has features included in the current selection. Click on a tab to switch to a table showing the selected features for that feature class.

User Point Graphics created using the Create Work Point tool will show up on a tab called UserPointGraphics.


Selected Records

Features that appear in the table are currently Selected. They are displayed in the map using the Main Selection Color.


Selection Controls

The Selection controls allow users to control the current feature selection.



Clear Selection

Un-selects any features that are currently highlighted in the table. This removes them from the Data Table


Clear highlight

Clear Highlight

Un-highlights any records that are currently highlighted in the table. They remain selected.


Zoom and Flash

Zoom and Flash Highlight

Zooms to the features highlighted in the table.


switch highlight

Switch Highlight

Switches which records are highlighted in the table. Any records that are currently highlighted will not be, any records that weren't highlighted will be.


Highlight all

Highlight All In Selection

Highlights all records in the current table.





Lucity Tools

These tools allow users to perform Lucity operations against features in the map.


web map_add subset

Attach Subsets

Attaches the currently selected assets, or currently highlighted assets to an existing Subset.


web map_create subset

Create Subsets

Creates a subset using the currently selected assets, or currently highlighted assets.


web map_show relationships


Shows all Lucity modules and records related to a highlighted asset. Users can then jump to a related module.




Allows users to view documents attached to a highlighted feature, and attach new documents.



Create Request

Creates a request for a highlighted asset.


Android Screenshot

Create Work Order

Creates a work order for all highlighted assets.


add to wo

Attach to Work Order

Attaches highlighted assets to a existing Work Order.



Create PM/Template

Creates a standard PM/Template for all highlighted assets.

In This Section

Add to Existing Subset

Create Subset

View Relationships

Linked Documents

Create Request from Map

Create Work Order from Map

Attach to Work Order

Create PM/Template

See Also

Map Management Toolbar

Map Layers

