Linked Documents

linked documents

The Documents tool allows users to see documents that are linked to the selected objects, and attach new documents.

How To View and Add linked documents

  1. Highlight one or more records in the Data Table
  2. Click linked documents. The following pop-up will appear


  3. Each asset highlighted in the Data Table will appear in a list. Underneath each asset is a list of the associated documents and a preview (if one is available.)
  4. Click on a document to view it. It will be opened in the computers default program for that type of document.
  5. To add a document click the Add button. Browse to the document and click OK.
  6. The document will be linked to ALL assets in the document pop-up.

    Note: Attaching a document does not move the document, Lucity just stores the current location for future use.

    Note: In the above example the documents are located on the C drive of the computer, however it is important to note that these will only be available to this user, on this computer. Talk to a system administrator about the best location for documents to be stored so that they are available to all users on all computers.

See Also

Data Table

Add to Existing Subset

Create Subset

View Relationships

Create Request from Map

Create Work Order from Map

Attach to Work Order

Create PM/Template