Show Work Order/Request Location

web map_WO loc web map_req loc

The Show Work Order Locations and Work Request Locations tools allows users to Locate and display a filtered set of work order or work request locations. Each tool contains four tabs of different options to control the output of the tool.

Filter Tab

This tab contains a list of filters from the Work Order or Request module. Only items in a selected filter will be displayed when the tool is run. imageexpand

Note: Mark My Filters Only to only show the filters for the currently logged in user.


Dates Tab

This tab allows users to narrow down the records already selected (using the Filter tab) based on the Work Order Start Date or the Date Request Received. Mark the Filter on Start Date of Work and then select a Start and End date. imageexpand


Spatial Filter Tab

This tab allows users to narrow down the records already selected (using the Filter tab) based on their location. They can specify the area by drawing a polygon in the map, or selecting a polygon from another feature class. spatial imageexpand

How To Draw a Polygon Spatial Filter

How To Filter based on a polygon in another feature class


Options Tab

This tab controls how the results are displayed and contains the following options: options imageexpand

Use Clustering for Results Display

  • Radius
  • Cluster Size

This options is designed to make the map less cluttered. When users are viewing the locations after running the tool the app will group work orders that are close together. Clicking on a cluster will expand the cluster so that users can drill down and see some individual work order information without zooming in. As users zoom in the locations will ungroup and show their individual locations. This is turned on be default.

  • The Radius is how close together locations must be to be grouped.
  • The Cluster Size puts a cap on how many records a cluster can hold and still expand. If a cluster exceeds this number users will have to zoom in until the cluster breaks down into smaller clusters before they can expand them.

Color code based on field

This colors the location dots based on a field. Check the Color code.... box. Select a field in the drop down box to base the color coding off. Choose a color scheme.

If a Work Order has Addresses/XYs and Assets

Work orders can use both assets and address/xy information to provide a location. Use this field to tell the program which type of information to use for the location when a work order has both available.

Note: This only shows up for the Work Order Location tool.

Do not retrieve comment information

It takes longer to include comment information when processing the locations. Unmark this box to include comments that are attached to work orders or requests.



How To Show Work or Request Locations

How To Interact with Work or Request Locations



See Also

Analysis Tools

Identify Features




Subset Manager

Create Work Point

Work Order Routing