

The Redlining tool allows users to add markups to the map. This can be used to provide information to somebody at another location, or to save information for later.

redline toolbar

redline palette


A list of all the redline feature classes that are included in the map. They are displayed with a sample of the symbology (the example shows a point, line, and polygon feature class). Select a feature class to begin marking up the map.

rd select

New Selection

Gives the user a selection pointer, allows them draw a selection box in the map, and automatically unselects any previously selected records..

rd add

Add to Selection

Allows users to draw a selection box in the map. Any selected drawings are added to the current selection.

rd remove

Remove from Selection

Allows users to draw a selection box in the map. Any selected drawings are removed from the current selection.

rd clear

Clear selection

Unselects all drawings.

rd delete

Delete selected features

Deletes any selected drawings

rd edit geo

Edit Geometry

Allows users to click on a drawing and then modify the shape of the drawing.

rd save

Save Edits

Saves any edits made to the drawings.

Note: Edits maybe saved automatically based on a system setting.

rd attributes

Display attributes

Displays the attributes for the currently selected drawing.

rd more

Add options

Expands to show the following options.


Freehand draw

Allows users to draw free hand. They can click at a spot and the line will begin to draw wherever the mouse pointer goes.



Marking this causes polygons to automatically be completed.

How To Add Redline Markup to the Map

How To Remove a Markup from the Map

How To Edit a Markup

See Also

Map Management Toolbar

Map Layers

Data Table
