Create Subset

web map_create subset

The Create Subset tool allows users to created a new subset from selected features. Subsets allow users to save a fixed group of records for later use.

How To Create a Subset

  1. Make a selection of records in the map.
  2. In the Data Table users can highlight the assets to include in the subset and click web map_create subset.
  3. The following dialog will appear:

    web map_create subset confirm

  4. Choosing Yes will add the highlighted assets to the subset. Choosing No will add all of the selected assets (on the current Data Table tab) to the subset.
  5. After choosing Yes or No the following dialog will appear.

    web map_name subset

  6. Enter a name for the subset. By default the dialog creates a name based on the asset type, date, and time. Click OK when finished.
  7. The program will create the subset and display a message stating that it was successful.

See Also

Data Table

Add to Existing Subset

View Relationships

Linked Documents

Create Request from Map

Create Work Order from Map

Attach to Work Order

Create PM/Template