Using the Lucity GIS Viewer

Once you have completed all the necessary setup steps, you are ready to begin using the Lucity GIS Viewer™.

How to Access:

To access the Lucity GIS Viewer, go to Programs > Lucity > Lucity GIS Viewer for desktop.

How to Access the Helpfile:

To access the Lucity GIS Viewer helpfile, open the Lucity GIS Viewer (see the instructions above) and go to Help > Help Topics.

Special Functionality:

Special features within the Lucity GIS Viewer are listed below.  Follow these links for additional information.

In This Section

Open a Lucity Module from the Map

Create a Request from the Map

Create a Work Order from the Map

Create a Work Order from the Map for Multiple Assets

Create a PM/Work Template Record from the Map

Create a PM/Work Template Record from the Map for Multiple Assets

Create a Subset from the Map

Add Assets to an Existing Subset

Load a Subset into the Map

See Also

Lucity GIS Viewer

Geodatabase Users Setup

Lucity GIS Viewer Setup