Geodatabase Users Setup

The Lucity GIS Viewer™ for desktop requires the use of shapefiles rather than geodatabases; therefore, you must convert your geodatabase feature classes to shapefiles using the steps below:

  1. Open ArcCatalog.
  2. Export each of the feature classes (the ones you want accessible from the Viewer) from your geodatabases to shapefiles.
  3. Name these shapefiles the same name as the feature class.  For example, if you are exporting the SWNETMHG feature class from the Sewer feature dataset, name the shapefiles SWNETMHG.shp.
  4. Save the shapefiles in a location where you can easily access them from the Lucity GIS Viewer.  If you are using field laptops with the Lucity GIS Viewer you may want to set up a file transfer in the Mobile Manager PC setup.  This will enable new shapefiles to be posted down to the user's laptop during a synch.
  5. Go back to the Lucity GIS Viewer setup page and follow the getting started instructions.

See Also

Lucity GIS Viewer

Lucity GIS Viewer Setup

Using the Lucity GIS Viewer