PM/Template Assets are individual items from other modules that are the focus of Work Orders that are created by the PM/Template. For example, a Work Order could be one or more vehicles, a stretch of roadway, or a sewer manhole. Most PM/Templates will either include an Asset or a Location that will appear on Work Orders. Adding Assets to Work Orders created by PM/Templates enables users to plan and schedule Asset maintenance. This enables organizations to see the history of that Asset and summarize the maintenance cost of an Asset over time.
Asset-related fields
These are fields on the PM record that are related to the records in the Asset grid.
System ID 1* |
Indicates the ID of the selected asset. The Assets that can be selected or entered into this field must be from the module indicated in the Asset Type field.
More information about asset driven lists |
Desc 1 Desc 2 |
Displays information about the Asset. This field automatically populates based on settings in the Work Asset Setup module; however, they are editable. |
PM Assets grid
The PM Asset grid lists the Asset Inventory records associated with the PM/Template. The grid gives users easy access to these records and provides many tools to quickly get work done within the system with general and module-specific toolkits.
Using Grids >>
Grid Tools>>
Editable Grids>>
Using Forms >>
Important: The PM Asset grid is only used for Standard PMs or Tightly Linked PMs linked to Standard PMs.
Information about assets for Grouped and Grouped Asset PMs.
How to add Multiple Assets to a PM
How to view an asset in the Web Map
How to add an Asset from the Web Map
PM Asset grid record fields
These fields appear on records in the PM Asset grid.
Sequence No |
Sets the order in which the asset should be completed. |
Category* |
Specifies which Category applies to this Asset.
Asset Type* |
Indicates which module the Asset is from.
System ID 1* |
This field stores the ID of the selected Asset. The Assets that can be selected or entered into this field must be from the module indicated in the Asset Type field.
More information about asset driven lists |
Desc 1 Desc 2 |
Displays information about the Asset. This field automatically populates based on settings in the Work Asset Setup module. |
Description |
Displays the Description entered in the PM > Asset record. |
Autonumber |
Displays the Record Number for the Asset Inventory record. |
* Required.
In This Section |