
Android Screenshot

The Work Orders grid contains the following Toolkits, which are grouped under subheadings for easy location.

security To run a Toolkit that applies to a filterset of Work Order records, you must have the Toolkit - Update Filterset permission for the Work Orders module.

Cancel Work Order | Current Filter

Cancel Work Order | Selected Record(s)

Change Assigned By | Current Filter

Change Assigned By | Selected Record(s)

Change Category | Current Filter

Change Category | Selected Record(s)

Change Crew | Current Filter

Change Crew | Selected Record(s)

Change Lead Worker | Current Filter

Change Lead Worker | Selected Record(s)

Change Supervisor | Current Filter

Change Supervisor| Selected Records

Change Work Order Status | Current Filter

Change Work Order Status | Selected Record(s)

Close Work Order | Current Filter

Close Work Order | Selected Record(s)

Add Main Task as Sub Task | Selected Record

Calculate Work Order Cost per Asset | Current Filter

Calculate Work Order Cost per Asset | Selected Records

Create Work Order and Associate to it | Selected Record

Create Work Order from Template

Disassociate From All Work Orders and Requests | Selected Record

Duplicate Work Order | Selected Record

Force Spatial Record Processing | Current Filter

Force Spatial Record Processing | Selected Records

Locate WO from Address

Locate WO from Asset

Associate Any Work Request | Selected Record

Associate Work Request That Is Not Complete | Selected Record

Associate Work Request with Same Infrastructure | Selected Record

Associate Work Request with Same Problem and Infrastructure | Selected Record

Associate Work Request with Same Problem | Selected Record

Associate Work Request with Same Street Block | Selected Record

Create Sewer Overflow | Selected Record

Create Water Pipe Main Break | Selected Record

Add Comment to Work Order | Current Filter

Add Comment to Work Order | Selected Record(s)

Stop Work Clock | Current Filter

Stop Work Clock | Selected Record(s)

Cancel Work Order | Current Filter

Cancels multiple Work Orders in a filterset in a single action. The system immediately changes the Status of these records to "951- WO Canceled."

Note: If a Work Order has associated Costs it cannot be canceled.

security Users must have the Allow Closing of Record permission to run this Toolkit.

How to cancel Work Orders in the current filter

Cancel Work Order | Selected Record(s)

Cancels one or more Work Orders in a filterset in a single action. The system immediately changes the Status of these records to "951- WO Canceled."

Note: If a Work Order has associated Costs it cannot be canceled.

security Users must have the Allow Closing of Record permission to run this Toolkit.

How to cancel the selected Work Order(s)

Change Assigned By | Current Filter

Adds a name or changes an existing name in the Assigned By field for all Work Orders in the current filterset.

How to change the Assigned By field on all Work Orders in the current filter

Change Assigned By | Selected Record(s)

Adds a name or changes an existing name in the Assigned By field on the selected Work Order(s).

How to change the Assigned By field on the selected Work Order(s)

Change Category | Current Filter

Changes the Category of all Work Order records in the current filterset.

How to change the Category of Work Orders in the current filter

Change Category | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Category of the selected Work Order(s).

How to change the Category of the selected Work Order(s)

Change Crew | Current Filter

Changes the Crew field on all Work Orders in the filterset.

How to Change the Crew for Work Orders in the Current Filter

Change Crew | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Crew field on the selected Work Order(s).

How to change the Crew on selected Work Orders

Change Lead Worker | Current Filter

Changes the Lead Worker field on all Work Orders in the filterset.

How to change the Lead Worker on Work Orders in the current filter

Change Lead Worker | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Lead Worker on the selected Work Order(s).

How to change the Lead Worker on selected Work Order(s)

Change Supervisor | Current Filter

Changes the Supervisor field on all Work Orders in the current filterset.

How to change the Supervisor for Work Orders in the current filter

Change Supervisor| Selected Records

Changes the Supervisor on the selected Work Order(s).

How to change the Supervisor on the selected Work Order(s)

Change Work Order Status | Current Filter

Changes the Status of all Work Orders in the current filterset to a value < 950. Work Orders with Status values of 1-949 are considered open.

How to change the Status of Work Orders in the current filter

Change Work Order Status | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Status of the selected Work Order(s) to a value < 950. Work Orders with Status values of 1-949 are considered open.

How to change the Status of selected Work Order(s)

Close Work Order | Current Filter

Allows the user to change the Status of all Work Orders in the current filterset to a value > 949. Work Orders with Status values 950-999 are considered closed.

How to close Work Orders in the current filter

More information about Request/Work Order Statuses

Close Work Order | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Status field on selected Work Orders to a status > 949. Work Orders with Status values 950-999 are considered closed.

How to Close Work Order for Selected Record(s)

More information about Request/Work Order Statuses

Add Main Task as Sub Task | Selected Record

Adds the Main Task of a Work Order record to its Tasks grid as a subtask. This feature is helpful when a user wants to track procedures, time and costs related to the Main Task.

How to add the selected Work Order's Main Task to the Work Order's Tasks grid

Calculate Work Order Cost per Asset | Current Filter

Distributes the Total Work Order Task Costs (in the Tasks grid) evenly among all Assets associated with the filtered Work Orders.

In order for this Toolkit to run properly, each Work Order in the filter must have a Total Cost greater than zero (0) and at least one Asset in its Assets child grid.

security To run this Toolkit, you must have the Toolkit - Recalc Costs permission for the Work Orders module.

How to calculate Work Order cost per Asset for Work Orders in the current filter

More information about Work Order Costs

Calculate Work Order Cost per Asset | Selected Records

Distributes the Total Work Order Task Costs (in the Tasks grid) evenly among all Assets associated with the selected Work Orders.

In order for this Toolkit to run properly, each Work Order in the filter must have a Total Cost greater than zero (0) and at least one Asset in its Assets child grid.

security To run this Toolkit, you must have the Toolkit - Recalc Costs permission for the Work Orders module.

How to calculate Work Order cost per Asset for selected Work Orders

More information about Work Order Costs

Create Work Order and Associate to it | Selected Record

Creates a new Work Order from an existing Work Order and associates the new record with the original one. This Toolkit functions in the same way as the Create a New Work Order button Android Screenshot found in the module toolbar.

How to create Work Order and associate another Work Order with it

Create Work Order from Template

Creates a new Work Order based on a Template the user selects from the PM/Template module.

How to create a Work Order from a Template

Disassociate From All Work Orders and Requests | Selected Record

Removes the Work Order selected in the Work Order > Work Orders grid from any linked Work Orders and Requests.

How to disassociate a Work Order from all linked Work Orders and Requests for selected record

More information about Work Order and Request linking

Duplicate Work Order | Selected Record

Streamlines the process of creating a Work Order by producing a new record that is nearly identical to an existing Work Order.

The new Work Order has a new, unique Work Order #; however, it contains all of the same form data, links to the same child records (Locations, Assets, Tasks, etc.) and is associated with the same Work Orders and Requests as the original Work Order. Tracking data, of course, is not copied to the new record.

How to duplicate the selected Work Order

Force Spatial Record Processing | Current Filter

Causes the Lucity Spatial Indexer to collect (or recollect) data about the locations of the Work Orders in the filterset so that Lucity can later display the location of these Work Orders in a map using the Module Spatial Data tool. The Indexer gathers data from the Location and Asset grids, and stores the geographic coordinates in the Lucity database.

How to force spatial record processing for Work Orders in the current filter

More information about the Spatial Indexer

More information about the Module Spatial Data tool

Force Spatial Record Processing | Selected Records

Causes the Lucity Spatial Indexer to collect (or recollect) data about the location of the selected Work Orders so that Lucity can later display the location of these Work Orders in a map. The Indexer gathers data from the Location and Asset grids, and stores the geographic coordinates in the Lucity database.

How to force spatial record processing for selected Work Orders

More information about the Spatial Indexer

More information about the Module Spatial Data tool

Locate WO from Address

Enables users to locate a particular Work Order (or set of Work Orders) by searching the address fields of a filterset of records, thus eliminating the need to create a complex query.

How to locate a Work Order from its Address

Locate WO from Asset

Allows users to quickly locate a Work Order among a filterset of records by searching for a related Asset, thus eliminating the need to create a complex query.

How to locate a Work Order from its Asset

Associate Any Work Request | Selected Record

Links the selected Work Order to any existing Work Request—whether that Request's Status is open or closed.

How to associate a Work Order with any Work Request

Associate Work Request That Is Not Complete | Selected Record

Links the selected Work Order to an existing, open Work Request. Open Requests have a Status < 950.

How to associate a Work Order with an open Work Request

Associate Work Request with Same Infrastructure | Selected Record

Links the selected Work Order to a Work Request with an Affected Asset that matches the Work Order's Asset record.

How to associate a Work Order with a Request that shares the same Asset

Associate Work Request with Same Problem and Infrastructure | Selected Record

Links the selected Work Order to a Work Request that has the same Problem and Asset.

How to associate a Work Order with a Work Request with the same Problem and Asset

Associate Work Request with Same Problem | Selected Record

Links the selected Work Order to an existing Work Request that lists the same Problem.

How to associate a Work Order with a Work Request with the same Problem

Associate Work Request with Same Street Block | Selected Record

Links the selected Work Order to an open Work Request with a similar address. Open Work Requests have a Status < 950.

How to associate a Work Order with a Work Request on the same street block

Create Sewer Overflow | Selected Record

Enables users to quickly create an Overflow record related to the Work Order. The Address of the Work Order, as well as any Sewer Pipes and Structures attached to it, are copied to the new Overflow record.

How to create a Sewer Overflow record from a Work Order

Create Water Pipe Main Break | Selected Record

Enables users to quickly create a Water Pipe Main Break record from an existing Work Order. Any Water assets attached to the work order are copied to the Main Break.

How to create a Water Pipe Main Break record from the selected Work Order

Add Comment to Work Order | Current Filter

Adds a comment as a record in the Comments grid of all Work Orders in the current filterset.

How to use the toolkit to add a comment to a filter of Work Orders

Add Comment to Work Order | Selected Record(s)

Adds a comment as a record in the Comments grid of the selected Work Order(s).

How to use the toolkit to add a comment to the selected Work Order(s)

Stop Work Clock | Current Filter

Allows anyone with permission to run the Work Clock to stop any active Work Clock related to Work Orders in the current filter.

This toolkit is especially useful to supervisors who want to stop clocks that perhaps their employees forgot to stop.

How to stop the Work Clock on Work Orders in the current filter

Stop Work Clock | Selected Record(s)

Allows anyone with permission to run the Work Clock to stop any active Work Clock related to the selected Work Orders.

How to Stop Work Clock for Selected Record(s)