Filters help you narrow down the number of records you see based on certain criteria. The Filter tool enables users to create and apply filters.
Note: While the Filter tool may allow you to filter parent records based on attributes of their child records, the tool only filters the primary (parent) grid. If you want to filter records in a child grid, you must use the column filters in that grid.
Overview Video
Each filter lists the person who created it, the name of the filter, and whether the filter is Basic (True) or Advanced (False). Basic filters are created with the Lucity Build A Filter and can be produced by most users. Advanced filters are written as SQL statements, and therefore require knowledge of SQL and the Lucity database structure.
Applied Filter
Displays the name of the filter currently applied to the module. If the filter has yet to be saved, it will say "New Module Filter."
Edit Current Filter
Opens the Applied Filter in edit mode.
Enter Edit Mode
Opens the Filters grid in edit mode, which enables a user to edit the filter names.
Users that do not have the Filter/Browse - Edit Others permission can only edit the names of filters that they created.
Filters grid
Lists the filters created and saved in this module. Each record lists the name of the filter, the person who created it, and whether the filter is Basic (True) or Advanced (False).
Click on a column header to sort the records. This icon indicates the column by which the data is sorted.
My Filters Only
When checked, displays only those filters created by the current user. Uncheck the box to show all saved filters for this module.
Add New
Opens a blank Filters Editor screen.
Edit a Filter
Opens the currently selected filter in the Edit screen and lets the user modify the filter.
Copy Filter
Provides a way to duplicate a filter.
If the user has the Lucity App Admin permission, this tool allows him or her to copy a filter to multiple users.
Provides a pop-up that shows the number of records the selected filter will load.