Geocoding Configuration

The webmap supports two different methods of geolocating addresses.

Locating using a Geolocation service

  1. Get the REST URL for the geolocation service.
  2. In the Lucity Administration Tool go to System > Settings > GIS Web tab.
  3. Put the URL for the geolocation service in the URL for Geocoding Service or URL to parcel layer in map service field.
  4. Save Changes

Locating using a Parcel Layer

  1. Tell the webmap that it is a parcel service instead of a geocoding service
  2. Specify a Parcel Layer
    1. Get the REST URL for the map service that contains the parcel layer.
    2. Get the layer index number for the parcel layer.
    3. In the Lucity Administration Tool go to System > Settings > GIS Web tab.
    4. Put the URL for the geolocation service in the URL for Geocoding Service or URL to parcel layer in map service field.
    5. Add the layer index to the end of the URL
    6. The end of the URL will look something like this:
  3. Specify a query template that the app can use when querying.

See Also

Lucity Web Map Setup

Web Server/Arc Server Configuration

Configuring Users

Building Map Services

Alias Configuration

Map Services Configuration

Base Map Configuration

Red-Line Configuration

Routing Configuration

Map Setup for Web Map