Lucity Web Map Setup

The Lucity Web map allows administrators to take map services published to the web and combine them into a web map. These services can come from Bing, free online web services, or their own published map services. The web map contains tools for their users to interact with Lucity. They can also setup different maps customized for different parts of their organization. This section goes through each step of setting up the web map.

Web Map

Note: The Geodatabase configuration and Alias Configuration must be completed before completing these steps.

Configuration Steps

  1. Web Server/ArcGIS Server Configuration
  2. Configure Users and Permissions
  3. Building Map Services
  4. Map Service Configuration
  5. Base maps
  6. Red-Lining
  7. Map Setup


In This Section

Web Server/Arc Server Configuration

Configuring Users

Building Map Services

Alias Configuration

Map Services Configuration

Base Map Configuration

Red-Line Configuration

Routing Configuration

Geocoding Configuration

Map Setup for Web Map

See Also

Map Setup

Setup Lucity GIS Viewer