Map Setup for Web Map

How To Add or Edit a map

  1. In the Lucity Administration Tool select GIS > Map Setup from the main menu. The following dialog will appear:

    GIS Maps

  2. The left-hand side of the dialog displays all available maps. Click the Add Map Setup or Edit Map Setup buttons to open the GIS Map Edit screen



GIS  Map Edit

Selecting Map Services

  1. Make sure the Map has a unique name in the Name field.
  2. Check the Use as Default Map box if this should be the default map. The default map is automatically opened for all users that are not in a group assigned a map.
    • There can only be one default map
  3. Set the Geocoding Url. - Enter a Url here if the geocoding service used for this map will be different than the url in the Default Geocoding Url box. The Default Url is set in Lucity Administration under System > Settings on the GIS Web tab.
  4. Set the Redlining map if users need to use the redlining tool in the map and the map services has been created. The map services that is selected in this section will not be available to add the the Services to Display in Map section.
    • If users do not need to edit the redlining but need to be able to see it, do not select it here. Add it to the Services to Display in Map.
  5. In the Available Web Services grid, select all the web services that need to be added to the map and click Add. Records will appear in the Services to Display in Map grid.
    • Do not add any map services that will be used as a base map.
  6. In the Services to Display in Map grid check the Disable Identify box to stop the identify tool from querying that service. Disabling Identify also disables the ability to select features in that service. Note: Users can also manually control selectability in the map.
    • The order cannot be customized in this dialog; instead, set the order in the Order field under GIS > Map Services.
  7. Click Close to return to the Map Setup screen.

    Note: Lucity Data in all layers will be recognized by the Web Map and viewer tools, as long as the aliases are setup correctly.



GIS Maps

Save the Map and Assign Groups

  1. Once the maps have been defined, click Save on the Map Setup screen.
  2. To assign maps to user groups
    1. Select a map in the Available Maps list on the left-hand side of the dialog.
    2. Highlight one or more groups in the Available Groups list on the right-hand side of the dialog.

      Note: The only groups that will appear in the Available Groups list are those that have been assigned as a Default Group in the Lucity Security Program.

    3. Click the Assign Maps to Groups button in the center of the dialog
    4. The groups currently assigned to each map will be displayed in the Assigned Groups list in the lower-right corner of the dialog.

      Note: While each map can be assigned to multiple user groups, each group can only be assigned to one map. So, if the Administrator group is assigned to the Water Map, and later assigned to the Traffic Map, the Administrator group will have access to the Traffic Map only.

  3. To un-assign a map from a group
    1. Highlight a map in the Available Maps list.
    2. Highlight a group in the Assigned Groups list.
    3. Click the Un-Assign Map button.
    4. Click Save to save any changes made.

See Also

Lucity Web Map Setup

Web Server/Arc Server Configuration

Configuring Users

Building Map Services

Alias Configuration

Map Services Configuration

Base Map Configuration

Red-Line Configuration

Routing Configuration

Geocoding Configuration