Base Map Configuration

The Lucity Web map allows administrators set up multiple base maps that users can switch between. The map services that are used as base maps are specified in the Administration Tool under GIS > Map services, by checking the Base Map? box.

Note: Base maps must be either a Tiled Map service, Image service, or Bing Map.

Within the web map, there is a base map button on the toolbar. When users click this button it provides a dropdown list of all the available base maps, with a thumbnail of each. If Bing maps are setup, their thumbnails are automatically provided. Thumbnails for locally created services must be setup by the administrator.

How To Add a Thumbnail

  1. Create a thumbnail.
  2. Name the file the same thing as the map service name defined in GIS > Map Services in the Name column.
  3. Place the image in the inetpub\wwwroot\LucityWeb\ClientBin\GIS\BaseMapThumbnails folder and ensure the file can be accessed to READ by the relevant IIS process (I_IUSRS or IIS_WPG depending on OS).

See Also

Lucity Web Map Setup

Web Server/Arc Server Configuration

Configuring Users

Building Map Services

Alias Configuration

Map Services Configuration

Red-Line Configuration

Routing Configuration

Geocoding Configuration

Map Setup for Web Map